In this podcast, Health Coaches Gina Hickman and Kristin Peterson take their extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health and draw on these skills and their knowledge of different dietary theories to help you make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results in a way that
Hello, friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with theirs.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down that confusing rabbit hole of conflicting
information that is swirling all around you.
Don't worry, we've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Kristen and I, I'm Gina, focus our health coaching
practice on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection of what's
going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
the level of your physical activity and overall health of your spirituality practice, your
career, and your finances and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website at
where you can learn more about our wellness coaching programs that we have to offer to
purchase our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness, and to learn a little bit more about
both Kristen and myself.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach, and we are so proud to share
this with you and hope that you will find it to be the catalyst that you need to help
point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs, they're done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
Coach Kristen and I are with you every step of the way to help guide you and educate you
and help you make this your very own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and to learn how to start creating
We have a growing catalog of hormone-specific coaching programs that we absolutely love
and we know you will love them too.
All right.
Well, hello everybody.
How is everybody?
I'm health coach Kristen here with health coach Gina, the lovely Gina.
We're really excited.
We've been working on this really cool new course launch called the 24-hour metabolic
We're really excited about it, so we just wanted to share a little bit about what this
offering is going to entail to just kind of get everybody excited about what this is.
I think it definitely deserves an explanation.
I think people, they might hear us say 24-hour metabolic launch, but like, what the heck
is that?
Maybe they're like, I definitely do.
Or maybe they're like, I don't even know what that is, so they're going to skip it.
24 hours in someone's mind isn't going to make any changes when they already feel like
Let's be real.
But in order to get your body where it really needs to go, that initial 24 hours is a key
element to it.
That's the part that a lot of people miss out on, whether they're working with a health
coach or a nutritionist or they're running down to their local Weight Watchers or what's
that other one with the frozen foods, the neutral system, whatever it might be, people
are going to struggle to lose weight without resetting that body and getting it in an optimal
I mean, ideally, you would want to work with someone trained in holistic nutrition like
Kristen and I, and this is a way that we'd like to get you started with the 24-hour metabolic
So some of those, your metabolism can get sluggish in part, like your liver might be
Your metabolism can be slow.
Maybe you've been like struggling to kickstart some sort of weight loss.
You're trying to lose weight or you're just, there's some things going on where you just
don't feel right.
You're hanging on to excess baggage, right?
Whether it's bloating or you're just feeling fatigued or you're not sleeping right, right?
Your digestion's off.
We talked about a lot of these symptoms in that last podcast that we did called The Gatekeeper
Organ that we talked about the liver.
We talked about the two different phases of the liver and the sluggish, the detox process
that's not working right.
So we thought after we did that podcast, we're like, we need to do some sort of a course
to help people just kickstart that.
Like you said, like people think maybe 24 hours isn't, that's not going to make a difference,
but oh my God, it makes a huge difference.
Let's clear all that out and you really can do a great benefit in just 24 hours and it
doesn't have to, it's not disgusting.
It doesn't have to hurt and you're not going to starve.
And it's food.
It's always food.
When it comes to us, it's always food.
We're not advocates of starving.
I like food too much and you really don't, you don't need to do that.
It's not beneficial to not to starve.
No, it's just a matter of getting the right foods and the right food combinations in that
help jumpstart that body, start clearing out that liver and getting that metabolism working
in your favor again.
And it really is the first step.
So once you get past that 24 hours and get that kickstart going, it can help you just
start burning fat more efficiently.
And we all want that, especially as we're reaching menopause or in menopause, right?
Because we want to get this thing moving.
So what we're going to do in this 24 hours is get that, get the liver going and that
liver's got a big job.
It's the key point of detoxing, like we had said in the Gatekeeper Organ Podcast, it's
our circulation system that is separate from the other body circulations.
So we're going to, we're going to nurture that liver and all of the other benefit, all
the other organs are going to benefit from it.
So we're going to basically kickstart the phase one, phase two portion of the liver
detox in this 24 hour launch, because in phase one, we said that the liver transforms and
mixes all those toxins into chemicals that it can destroy later.
And then phase two, it has to basically flush them into like, it has to push them out.
So if it's not, if the body isn't getting what it needs to be able to get that sludge
out of there, that's when you start feeling crappy.
So we're going to kickstart that and get this going.
And how are we going to do that?
I'm so excited about it.
We're going to bring in a lot of clean food and lean protein and healthy fats.
And we're going to work on ridding the body of some toxins that we don't want there in
the first place, but Lord knows we can't avoid them.
Toxins are in everything, right?
They're in foods, food packaging, the water we drink, the air we breathe, medicines that
you might take.
So there's no way to live a toxic free life.
The best we can do is love on our liver because our liver is working 24 hours a day to clean
our body and get rid of these toxins.
So I mean, we know toxins hide in many places that we're exposed to that we just can't avoid.
So I think that just knowing that you'll find them in water bottles, food packaging,
something silly is plastic flip-flops, right?
Do you ever think your flip-flops are toxic?
But our skin is our biggest organ in our body, right?
And we absorb a lot through our skin.
So the best we can do is to be aware and to keep our liver clean so we can get rid of
that stuff.
And by being aware, we can help avoid as much as we can.
Like adding some clean water into our lives, some filtered water, that's a big one.
Using natural cleaning products and eating organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats
and wild caught fish, things like that is how we can work to limit our exposure to toxins.
And this little, this 24 hour course is a quick little, just a jumpstart into that whole
deeper dive.
So it's going to, it'll help really reset the metabolism, flush all those, the toxins
and the excess estrogen your body might be hanging onto, flush some fat from your cells.
It's going to help your skin look just healthier and brighter in just 24 hours, you're going
to feel a lot lighter, you're going to have a lot more energy.
And we're going to glow.
We are, that's the goal, reducing that inflammation in 24 hours, just a quick 24 hour reset, reduce
I got, when you do that, then that's how all the rest of that good stuff gets to happen.
Your body just starts to release things.
So in this 24 hour, the metabolic launch, we've included tips to help you succeed.
Some of those things that Gina and I talked about just on how to eliminate the toxins,
tips on how to hydrate, we're going to focus on sleep and the benefits.
Always sleep, always sleep.
We always talk about sleep and stress reduction, giving you ideas and things, and we've got
some great meditations that Gina has recorded that we've embedded in this course, these
quick little meditative body scans and breathing and meditation exercises.
Gina is so good at that.
They're all embedded in there.
They are, they're so good.
You can find them anywhere you listen to our podcasts too, so if you're scrolling through,
go back and find them.
They're so good.
Yeah, so we have a 24 hour schedule laid out for you, things to do when you first wake
up and then we'll get into breakfast and mid-morning, lunch, midday, and before dinner, dinner, and
then before we go to bed at night, like to just have the day outlined so we can set ourselves
up for success, get through the launch, feel good, feel great, be proud of yourself, love
on yourself.
Self-care is so important, right?
And one of the ways that we can incorporate self-care is by feeding our bodies the good
food that it deserves and nurturing our bodies.
And I think there's a lot of question with that.
So in the 24 hour course, we've included your whole day, the whole 24 hour menu, including
the grocery list.
So we've broken the grocery list down by category to make it really easy when you're
doing your shopping.
So as you're prepping for this, you decide you're going to do it, you pick a day to do
You've got everything outlined for you.
And then again, Gina said, we've got your schedule outlined and then all of the recipes
are outlined from the minute you wake up to your morning metabolism hot shot, your green
goddess smoothie in the morning, your lunch, afternoon snack options, and then your evening
glow smoothie.
And then your evening metabolic elixir that you're going to have before bed to just really
help set you up for a good night's sleep and kickstart that metabolism into overdrive while
you're sleeping.
So it's all outlined.
I'm really excited about this.
I think people are really going to love this and it is the perfect segue into really any
of our other courses that we have to offer that can just help with everything.
Everyone's doing this on repeat is just going to help benefit.
We'll have a couple of coaching videos in here as well.
Cause we think, I mean, 24 hours, I think people think they're not going to notice any
difference, but we're going to do a couple.
We'll do a coaching video to just kind of help with some of those prompts to help you
understand where, how did you feel when you started and how do you feel when you finished?
Because we really want to point out to people that you can make a big difference in how
you feel and how you look, how you're sleeping, how your energy level is in just 24 hours.
It's a pretty amazing.
So exciting.
I'm excited.
Check this out.
All right.
Well, hopefully this was helpful and we look forward to coaching you through your 24 hour
metabolic launch.
All right.
Friends, thank you so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this blesses you in some
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so that others
can learn about this important topic.
As you listen to this podcast, we know you were thinking of others that need to hear
this and when you hear that calling, it's not accidental.
So please share this podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence they need to begin
their healing journey and take their health to the next level to reach their health goals.
Learn about nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live
a long, healthy, and happy life.
Hello, friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with their struggles.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down the rabbit hole of confusing, conflicting
information that's swirling all around you.
We've got to.
As certified holistic health coaches, Coach Gina and I, I'm Coach Kristin here, focus
our health coaching on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection
of what's going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity and the overall health of your spirituality practice, your
career, finances and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website,,
to learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer, as well as to purchase
our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We're so proud to share this with you and hope that you'll find it to be the catalyst
that you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
And Coach Jean and I are with you every step of the way to help guide and educate you and
help you make this your own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
We have a growing catalog of hormone-specific coaching programs that we absolutely love,
and we know you'll love them too.
Hey there, everybody.
Thank you, and welcome back to another episode of our Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
You're here today with my self-health coach, Gina, and the lovely health coach, Kristin,
who is my beautiful friend and business partner and co-owner of Stop Chasing Wellness.
Today we're here to talk about blood sugar and balance.
And we recently launched a program on teaching people how to manage their blood sugar like
a boss, and we wanted to delve into that a little bit more and talk about that a little
bit more today and some things that really, what you can do to help balance your blood
sugar and things that cause those imbalances.
So we'll start with that today, and the first thing we want to talk about is what you feed
your body.
What you feed your body plays a major role in keeping your blood sugar balanced, but
as you'll learn, that's only one piece to the puzzle.
I love that.
I think, and a lot of these things that we're going to talk about, I think, are not things
that people automatically think of when they think of blood sugar balance or imbalance,
So I love that.
I think this is going to be pretty eye-opening.
So yeah, so tell us, so I mean, because I think, I mean, obesity is kind of the secondary
side effect too for diet, which is kind of the obvious part, right?
The diet piece, but how does obesity play that role in that imbalance?
So overeating definitely contributes to that overactive storage system and inflammation
within the body, right?
As well as that higher level of visceral fat inside the abdomen and around the organs.
You've heard of the visceral fat, right?
And fatty liver and things that we don't want that on the inside.
We definitely don't want that.
And obesity definitely is a part of that and causes that.
So things, how do we work on that?
What are some things we can do?
Well, okay.
I would suggest if you were my client, Gina, be those, you know, the refined carbohydrates
and the sugars, and that's typically where we get that excess weight gain comes from
eating those poor quality carbohydrates, right?
So when people say they're not eating carbs, this is where like, right, we get that, eating
carbs and you should be eating carbs.
We just want to see people crowd out those refined carbohydrates and sugars and things
like breads, baked goods, bagels, muffins, cookies, cakes, pizza dough, right?
All that stuff is your highly refined carbohydrates, that stuff just, if it doesn't have any nutritional
benefit, then it's not doing any good.
It's probably causing some sort of a harmful effect.
So we would, I would recommend that people crowd those out by increasing just fresh fruits
and vegetables and making sure that your meals, like every meal and snack includes fresh fruits
and vegetables.
It's an easy way to just stop you from craving, that we typically crave those refined carbs
and the blood sugar dips.
And we just want something to take that, you know, kind of crave, take that craving out,
but it's just a blood sugar dip.
So if you keep your healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet with every meal
and snack, it keeps the blood sugar more balanced and stops you from reaching for those crappy
carbs, right?
And those crappy carbs, that's all your, like you said, it's the cakes, the cookies, the
cereals, those pastas, all the white things, right?
The white flowers, the white sugars.
Let's work on getting those things out of the diet and adding in more of that rainbow.
Think about eating that rainbow every day, every meal.
How many fruits and vegetables can you get in your body raw, slightly cooked, whether
it's steamed or any way you can get them in is better than no way.
And fresh fruit, whole grains, vegetables, those are carbohydrates.
So just as Kristen said earlier, people don't quit carbs.
We hope, we hope they're just putting refined carbs, the ones we don't really want in our
Makes sense?
And getting in those healthy fats and proteins, whether they're from plants or animals, there's
lots of good animal sources of healthy fats and proteins, right?
So those things can help just kind of satisfy, like it's that satiety level keeps you full
of, helps keep your energy levels up, keeps the blood sugar balance so you're not reaching
for the refined carbohydrates and things.
So with like, so some healthy fats would be things like what, like coconut oil is a really
Oh, I thought you were going to say avocado.
My favorite.
So you got your avocados, you have olive oil, your coconut, coconut milk is one that I've
been adding to my green soup lately.
That's a good one.
I have a great recipe for a healthy soup.
The green goddess soup, it's kale and spinach and zucchini and broccoli, and it's just all
the good, great things.
I had onion and garlic in with it, cook all that stuff and then blend it up in the Vitamix
and add a can of coconut milk to it.
It is so good.
And so easy.
I'll vouch for that because I use, I have a lactose intolerance.
So when I, when there's a recipe that calls for like, for milk in a soup or something
like that, I will use coconut milk or even just the can of coconut cream.
Oh my God, it's velvety and it's such a great substitute for animal milk for cow's milk.
I love it.
So good.
And then when we talk about more healthy fats, if you can get some from your salmon or your
fatty fish, think of those are other options outside of just vegetable.
So talk to us more about the diet.
So diet is, I think this is one of the more obvious contributing factors to those blood
sugar imbalances, but it's really important that we eat a balanced diet so that we're
not, like if you're eating crappy foods or things that just are void of nutrition, again,
it causes you to just crave more things and you might be overeating, you might be snacking
between meals.
So we can, if we're focusing on spacing our meals three to four hours apart and getting
really good quality meals, we want to make sure that the diet includes a nutritionally
dense protein, fiber rich carbohydrates and healthy fat altogether at each meal and snack.
It keeps you satisfied, keeps you not snacking between meals and then you're just less likely
basically to just eat junk when you're getting all of the nutrition in there and getting
really good quality protein, carbohydrates and fats with each meal and snack.
It's just an easy way to just keep that satisfaction level up.
And I mean, then you're just getting all the good stuff, right?
And then let's talk really quick about how intermittent fasting can be really good.
So intermittent fasting is funny for me because I hate putting a label on that because I feel
like most people do that anyway, but I think the point is really just being more intentional
about it, right?
So if you're going to try and not eat after dinner and then make it through till the morning
when you break that fast, try and get at least 10 hours, 10 to 15 hours with no food.
So if you stop eating at six o'clock at night, maybe start breaking that fast around nine
o'clock in the morning, 10 o'clock the following morning, something like that.
And it's really beneficial to balancing blood sugar.
It's giving your body that break at night.
So your body can just finish its work for the day, clean up, prepare itself for the
upcoming day and get everything digested, doing what it needs to do.
Sometimes you've probably heard us talking about in the past, how our digestive system
has day workers and night workers, right?
So when we stop eating at night, you're giving those night workers a chance to get to work
while that good gut bacteria, let it do its job and get rid of what's in there, get rid
of everything that's there, digest and rest and reset for the following day.
And that plays a huge role in sleep.
The quality of sleep.
When we go to bed with a belly full of food, you're not sleeping properly.
You're digesting your body's work.
And that is a contributing factor to blood sugar imbalance.
I was going to say, Dave has a Garmin watch.
It's like the Apple watch, but it's a Garmin watch and it has his biometrics on there.
And he checks his watch all the time to see how we slept at night.
And I'm like, well, how did you sleep?
He's like, I think I slept good.
Let me check my biometrics.
He's got to check the watch to see, but he can always track it down.
If he has a late meal or a bigger meal, he doesn't sleep well.
And it's because the body is working overtime instead of doing what it's supposed to be
It's working to digest a heavy meal like that.
And that's not what it should be doing at those hours.
Not even just a heavy meal.
Like if you're eating empty carbohydrates, pretzels after you eat dinner, before it likes
before you go to bed, then it's, that's increasing your blood sugar levels, which is contributed
one of the contributing factors.
It all.
So all that not eating after dinner is really important.
And I think that that's a really important piece, but like, I love that you don't want
to name it.
Like, and I think that's important because then it just becomes more of a job, right?
When we're naming it.
It just makes you feel more fad-ish, right?
Like, oh, it's one more thing.
Oh, you're doing that thing now.
You're doing this thing.
No, I'm just taking care of my body the way it was designed to be cared for.
I mean, that's, that's really what it comes down to.
So things we talked about with the diet, the, that intermittent fasting and just taking
that break from dinner until breakfast, try to get that at least 10 to 15 hours between
those two meals, spacing your meals three to four hours apart during the day.
That helps also regulate your blood sugar and then eating that nutritionally dense protein,
fiber rich carbohydrates, not the refined kinds, not the kind that we're quitting the
fiber rich carbs and healthy fats, eat those together at each meal and your snack.
That's just good sound advice.
What next?
So inflammation is another contributing factor to blood sugar imbalances.
And we're talking about chronic inflammation, not the kind, like when you get a, you know,
you bang into the coffee table and you got a bruise on your knee, right?
Like that's an obvious sign of inflammation because your body's got a bruise.
We can see it.
We're talking about chronic inflammation, and this is related to basically disordered
gut bacteria.
So that can lead to things like leaky gut syndrome and obesity and insulin resistance,
fatty liver, right?
It's that inflammation, not necessarily the fat that you're eating that can cause heart
disease and weight gain and some other chronic type of conditions.
So those say that again, inflammation, not fat fat, because we need fat, fat.
We talk about that in that in our, in our hormone, or rather your manager, blood sugar,
like a boss.
And in our eating for hormone health programs, we need fat.
We produce hormones from fat and cholesterol, but we need that really healthy, good quality
But it's the, it's the inflammation that can cause that stuff.
And inflammation is basically when you have inflammation and you ignore it long enough,
you're going to get a diagnosis.
It's going to present itself in the form of a diagnosis and things like heart disease
and chronic conditions, right?
Like type two diabetes, or I mean, it can even be like chronic inflammation is things
like allergies.
If you're not addressing the things that are causing those allergies, that's just a constant
chronic state of inflammation that can lead to other things.
So if you don't address it, one leads to another.
So an easy way to just keep inflammation at bay again is to crowd out those unhealthy
choices with fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, all this stuff.
See, it's all the cure for all of these things comes back to diet, right?
Eating your healthy, healthy foods.
It's eating the food God gave us.
It's there.
It's always been there.
So some changes that you can do with inflammation are definitely crowding out, like you said,
adding in those fresh fruits and vegetables and the healthy fats and proteins.
And how about adding some movement?
30 minutes.
Just try 30 minutes, 30 minutes to move in your body each day, just to get that circulation
moving and that lymph fluid in your body, getting all that moving.
Stagnant lymph fluid is where most disease and inflammation comes from, right?
Like the inflammations in the body, if we're not moving that lymph, we're not eliminating
those toxins.
So when we talk about the lymph system, that's like the sewer system of the body.
I think I've heard you call it the plumbing system, right?
It's like what we use to, it's that fluid in the body.
We have our blood that brings in our nutrients and we have our lymph that gets out the toxins.
So we need to have healthy, nourishing foods to bring the nutrients in through the blood.
And we need to have good moving lymph fluid to get those toxins out of the body.
I love how you just, how you just wrapped that and tied that all in together.
So let's talk about toxins and things that we have in our bodies because we have, we
all have toxins in our bodies.
This is one of the contributing factors, right?
But we all have it.
We can't avoid it.
We can try, right, by eating our clean diet with our fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding
all the junk, but we all have toxins and we get these things in our diets.
A lot of them come from plastic derivatives and this is so prevalent in just all the foods,
Go into the grocery store.
I always find it funny.
I'm like, you're eliminating plastic bags in the grocery stores, but literally everything
I'm bringing home in those bags is in plastic, right?
It doesn't make sense.
Well, if you have a plastic bag, you're going to make me pay for it, but the bag of spinach
I just brought home is in plastic, right?
So even your healthy stuff is in plastic.
We just have it somewhere, but those things can actually mimic, like mess with your estrogen
levels especially.
So it just leaches into the food supply so we can get also not just plastics, but things
like pesticides that are sprayed on foods, which is why it is important to buy organic
if you can.
Yeah, and things like just the nitrates and nitrites and nitrates that are in like preserved
and processed meats.
We get mercury from like big fish like shark and tuna and swordfish, cadmium.
There's flame retardants and things like it could be in your mattress.
It can be on your carpet in the furniture that you're sitting on, like your couch.
Those things are also flame retardants.
We absorb that through our skin.
The things that it's a marketing thing, right?
Oh, here's your child's little feedie pajamas.
They're flame retardant.
But it's, they're toxic.
They're toxic.
And all that stuff has and like chlorine and things like that, that stuff all has a negative
impact on the hormone levels, like I said, especially estrogen, avoiding those things
is being aware of it is part of the process, but then we can help the body shed itself
of toxins because the body's trying to do that every day.
And one of the easiest and best ways we do that is through dietary changes, but really
eating a diet that's rich in fruits and vegetables helps the body shed those toxins.
And then we can avoid things like smoked and processed meats because those have the nitrates
and nitrites in them.
We can avoid those fish that are high in mercury, like shark and tuna and swordfish, right?
And even cleaning, cleaning products, clean with things that don't have those toxins in
One of the things we love is Norwex.
There's things you can do like clean with just like distilled white vinegar and water.
Baking soda is my go-to for everything.
Scrub with baking soda and even thieves oil, thieves oil.
And do you mix that with water in a spray bottle, Gina?
I know you use thieves.
I use the thieves cleaner, yeah, with water in the spray bottle and use that for, I use
that for everything.
I use baking soda for everything.
Those are like my, definitely my go-tos.
People are then buying all those cleaning products.
I think there's just, yeah, we don't have to spend a ton of money.
Drinking clean, filtered water, avoid your plastic containers and bags as much as we
And then avoiding flame retardants, just being aware that they're in your, in your fabrics
and things.
And then using cotton, bamboo sheets and towels and linens, even showering with a shower filter
on the head of your shower can remove some of the toxins from the water that's being
sprayed directly like on your body and your hair.
So one of the things that we need to just acknowledge is we really can't eliminate all
the toxins, right?
We can try like hell, but we can't eliminate them.
They're in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the medicines people take, it's in
the foods.
There's, there's toxins everywhere, but we really can do our part in reducing what we
take in and what we ingest and what we absorb through our skins and breathing in.
It just comes from being aware of a lot of it.
Using clean cleaners, like the Norwex or Thieves, using clean filtered water, use it.
And then all the other things that we had just, that Kristen just mentioned.
So we can definitely do our part in improving what we are taking in.
So let's talk about stress.
One of my favorites.
We don't have any stress in our lives, right?
Ah, stress, stress and cortisol, right?
But cortisol does get a bad rap, but cortisol is increased when we have stress.
There's no doubt about that, but that leads to more insulin being secreted into the bloodstream,
into the bloodstream.
So that it's a vicious cycle, right?
We have the overproduction of cortisol and insulin leads to insulin resistance.
It's like that chronic cycle of elevated cortisol is where we end up with all these
Short-term cortisol, like if somebody is chasing you or you have a bear running after you,
we need that cortisol because that's our fight, flight or freeze, right?
We need that.
We need that jolt of, I got to get out of here and I got to get out of here fast.
But it's the chronic long-term cortisol increase is where we end up with the problems in our
Cause like, like you said, it's that cortisol raises insulin, insulin raises cortisol.
And then that's, so that's contributing to that blood sugar being elevated.
And then that contributes to that increase.
Like you're craving things, you've got this wall out of whack because of your cortisol
being elevated all the time.
So then you probably find that you're just like higher stress levels, make you create
crappy things.
You're just eating some of the wrong stuff.
So what are some things that we can do then?
Like we can't avoid it, right?
Stress is inevitable.
We just have to manage it, be aware of it.
There's a lot of great things we can do to reduce stress and some of that stuff.
We go into a lot more of that in our, you know, manage your blood sugar like a boss
Some of the other things that we can be doing are simply breathing, right?
Like if you have a lot of things going on at the same time, and there's a lot of stress
and this one's yelling, you have somebody at work upset and the baby's crying or all
horns are honking.
Like when you're in the thick of it, just stop and just five deep cleansing breaths
can help regulate that central nervous system and lower that stress level in the body.
So things like that or meditation or winding down, like we're going to talk about, we'll
talk about sleep next, but preparing for sleep, like just winding down and calming down the
Like a hot bath, at least warm bath.
When you talk about breathing, like how often, and I guess I would challenge everybody listening
to this, how often do you find yourself where you're aware that like, I'm not breathing.
I need to take a deep breath.
I do it all the time.
I'm like, I just need to take a deep breath.
When was the last time I took like a really big lung full of air to the tippy top of the
lungs where it almost tickles and hurts, right?
Like put it in for a second and then let it out all the way out.
It's just easier to, we just get caught up in the hurried lifestyle, right?
And it's just very shallow surface breathing.
I do it.
Stop and take a minute.
I do it too all the time, but when you stop and take a minute and be intentional and just
take those breaths and focus on the breath, right?
So instead of worrying about all this outside stress, focus on the breath and do a quick
body scan, right?
How are, how's your head, how, where are you carrying, how you, you have those 11s between
your eyebrows.
Are you like frowning and scowling or are you relaxing in your eyebrows and your jaw
How tight is your jaw?
Are you like clenched your jaw and down, move down into your neck and your traps and I'm
going, I'm saying this quickly, but just to like get the idea of going through your body
and down your shoulders and arms and lap muscles and like, where are you carrying that stress?
Is it in your low back with like mine usually is or your hips, are your hips tight?
And then just go down your legs and into your ankles and feet and toes and get everything
wiggling and moving and relaxed while you're taking those deep cleansing breaths.
I love that.
Just thinking about it, like I'm talking about jaw stress, I'm like, I've got a TMJ issue
that I've had for years.
I think I might be carrying a little stress in my jaw and my neck, maybe just a little
I carry it somewhere differently.
So yeah.
And then again, like going back to the food, just eating a clean, a clean, healthy diet,
really good quality fruits and vegetables.
Again, the fiber rich carbohydrates, good quality fats, and then good quality animal
protein that we get from ethically raised, pasture raised, ethically raised animals produce
better quality animal protein that is higher in levels of the CLAs, which is a fatty acid,
the conjugated linoleic acid.
And that has really great anti-inflammatory benefits and a lot of antioxidants as opposed
to the commercially raised animal proteins.
Those are stressed animals that are terrible, like the grain and the foods that they're
We're eating what the animals eat, so we're absorbing that.
So those poor quality foods can put stress on our bodies by, again, causing inflammation,
causing weight gain, all these other things.
So just the quality of the diet can help relieve stress on the body, which is super important.
So always consume some food.
Always back to the food, right.
And then another one of my favorite topics, let's talk about sleep.
I love this.
So we don't go to sleep.
Like when we go to bed at night, we don't just, most people don't just close their eyes
and go to sleep.
Like they're turning a light switch off.
It's a process.
It takes time.
So it should start earlier in the evening when, I know you talk about, you have the
dimmers in your house, right?
So if you have brighter light on during the day and as the night's going on, it's more
like the sun setting.
So turn those bright lights down and start getting your eyes adjusted and your body calmed
down to wind down that evening.
Have a nice cup of tea or take a bath or light a natural candle or a clean candle or-
I mean, I love to use a sound machine in my bedroom to spray essential oils.
Like I put a little bottle of, one of those little spray bottles with the water and some
lavender essential oil and they spray it on the clothes.
Lavender is so good for sleep inducing or just using like a diffuser, diffuse some aroma
like lavender oil or rub some on your hands and then rub it on your neck just to-
And you'll definitely have a better night's sleep that way.
And maybe switch to reading a book instead of staring at the electronics, right?
That's always a big one.
Like turn the TV off or take your face out of your phone for an hour before you go to
bed and just, there's a lot to be said about the blue light and all the electronics and
all that stimulation, what that's doing for your body instead of getting it prepared to
go to sleep at night and have a good quality sleep.
The reason that sleep is important is because the lack of sleep increases our hunger hormone,
which is called ghrelin or ghrelin, but some people, I don't know, are we pronouncing it
Ghrelin, ghrelin.
The hunger hormone.
And then it's low, so it's increasing your hunger hormone, probably you're just, you're
tired and your body's looking for food probably, you know, just naturally to stay awake, right?
And then typically it's, then it starts looking for the things like the sugar, right?
The poor quality things that just, caffeine, all those things that are going to overstimulate.
So it's, it's increasing our hunger hormone and it's lowering the satiety hormone, which
is leptin.
So that imbalance can cause that increase in your hunger and it's just going to increase
your overeating calories.
And contributing to the diet and the obesity factor that causes imbalance in the blood
So sleep really, it's not just us preaching, like, get a good diet, get a good quality
There's reasons that that contributes.
We, I mean, research finds that people that don't get good quality sleep or get a lack
of sleep typically have weight issues, increases the body weight, right?
And increases the cortisol and inflammation in the body.
Again, it's a cycle.
It's definitely a cycle.
So we have to do our parts the best that we can.
So I hope everybody found this a little bit helpful and learned something new today based
on what we were talking about.
And I think, why don't you give a homework assignment, Kristin?
So we named some things, we talked about obesity and diet, inflammation and stress and lack
of sleep and toxins.
We talked about moving your body and exercise.
So when you reflect on those things, which of those are currently playing a role in your
diet particularly or your lifestyle?
So as we talked about those things, I'm sure you were thinking like, oh, I need to do this
or I need to do that, right?
Make a list of those things, write those things out.
And then we mentioned some changes and suggestions that you can begin to make to shift that balance.
So for you in particularly, which of those changes can you begin to make to shift that
Maybe just write about that.
Maybe make a promise or a commitment to yourself on things that you're going to do to change
the diet or how you can crowd some things in and start reducing some of maybe the poor
quality animal proteins or reducing some of the refined carbohydrates and replacing
them with better quality carbohydrates, right?
Just make a list of those things, things that you can do this week.
Maybe add some of those healthier things to your grocery list, right?
Or set a calendar alert to remind you to breathe, right?
Or to focus on it's getting like the evening is approaching, what can I do to start winding
down, turning off your electronics, make a little list for yourself and commit about
We like, we're big fans of using a journal to write about those things or keeping a food
journal or whatever, like write notebooks just to keep track of those things.
But writing that stuff down helps you stay more committed to it.
So hopefully that, yeah, making those small changes, stay accountable to yourself, maybe
even mention it to someone else, right?
Get your spouse or a friend to do some of these things with you to help hold you accountable.
Definitely love it all.
And these small changes lead to better habits, lead to lifestyle changes, and all contribute
to us living a long, healthy, and happy life.
That's the goal.
Live long, die short.
That's my goal.
All right, Gina, this was good and hopefully everybody found it helpful and we'd love to
hear from you guys.
Thanks so much.
Friends, thank you so, so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this somehow blesses
you in some kind of way.
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so others may
learn about this important topic.
As you listen to the podcast, we know you must've been thinking of others that need
to hear this.
When you hear that calling, it's no coincidence.
Please share the podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, reach their goals, learn about
nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live a long, healthy,
and happy life.
Hello friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with their struggles.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down the rabbit hole of confusing, conflicting
information that's swirling all around you.
We've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Coach Gina and I, I'm Coach Kristin here, focus
our health coaching on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection
of what's going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity and the overall health of your spirituality practice, your
career, finances, and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website,,
to learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer, as well as to purchase
our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We're so proud to share this with you and hope that you'll find it to be the catalyst
that you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
And Coach Jean and I are with you every step of the way to help guide and educate you and
help you make this your own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
We have a growing catalog of hormone-specific coaching programs that we absolutely love,
and we know you'll love them too.
All right, here we go.
Hello, everybody.
Health Coach Kristin here with myself, Health Coach Jima.
And as we are winding down the year, we're getting into these colder months on the East
I don't know if this feels colder for you that you're able to be outside this time of
It definitely doesn't feel as cold as where we are, but we wanted to talk today about
bone broth, things to add in in the cooler months.
It's good.
I tend to drink it all year long, but it's definitely nice for people this time of year
to bring in and not just because it's cold out, but all the benefits that come along
with having the bone broth.
And I think this is something Gina and I definitely go hand in hand on.
We overlap big time in this topic because we both also make our own bone broth, which
is so easy.
We're going to walk you through how to do that.
But yeah, first, let's just talk about some of the benefits.
I think this is so amazing.
And then let's talk about some ways that people can use it because aside from just drinking
it, because I just think it's tasty.
I don't mind having a little cup of that once in a while, but you can use it to cook
Use it in your regular day to day.
So let's talk a little bit about that.
So there's some really great benefits to bone broth that can't be overlooked.
I think this is like it's delicious and nutritious, but it's medicinal.
This is medicinal food.
So it's super beneficial to the health of our gut and we have, we preach all the time.
All disease starts in the gut.
Everything starts here and nurturing the health of your gut is going to help nurture everything.
It's going to support your digestion.
It's going to support the health of your immune system, leaky gut and heal the leaky gut.
Which is probably more common than people realize, right?
I think in today's world, it's more common than people realize.
Because we're just not eating, I mean, we're eating things that are causing gut permeability
and that just kind of affects the whole system, affects your hormones.
But bone broth is really great for our own bone health, basically just the health of
our hormones overall.
It supports all of these other things and supporting all of those other things supports
the health of our hormones.
And it always start with the gut healing, right?
But now it's the hormone balancing and how does all this work, that gut permeability,
how does all this work?
And it's basically because bone broth is loaded with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, all
the things that we need, all the things that we talk about all the time that normally when
we think about that stuff, we think about the rainbow, right?
We eat our rainbow with our red foods, the red peppers and green, whatever.
And when we just go through that rainbow and eat all our healthy food, we also get so much
of this benefit from having bone broth.
And when we go back to the gut, it basically acts as a digestive aid because it can support
and build, like you were talking about gut permeability, it just kind of helps heal the
gut lining.
So it can help support your digestion.
So if you know something's not right with digestion, you're just feeling something's
off, you're feeling gassy or upset stomach, often bone broth is really healing for that.
It can also support the health of your skin.
It can help with dry skin.
So especially like women who are approaching perimenopause, menopause have that one of
the common symptoms and the common complaints of women in menopause is the changes that
they notice in their skin.
So just consuming regular bone broth can really help with that hydration factor.
So once we start getting into our 30s and 40s, as we're aging, we tend to produce less
and less collagen, it starts working less and less for us.
It's still in there, it's just not as elastic as it once was.
So bringing in this bone broth is definitely a way to help with that, bringing that elastin
and collagen working for us again.
Yeah, because we probably should back up and say that like your body produces collagen,
but as you get older, it's just harder to retain, harder to produce.
Yeah, and that's like, that's ways where we can, when we talk about the vitamins, minerals,
and trace elements, we can also talk about vegans, right?
Because we might have some people that are turned off by this because we're talking about
bone broth.
How does a vegan get their collagen?
And that's simple ways of knowing that we already produce this in our bodies, right?
We already produce collagen, so how do we support our body in the best way possible
so that collagen keeps work, continues to work for us?
Collagen is, what do we think about, right?
We think about wrinkles with collagen.
Collagen is responsible for a part of not just our hair, skin, and our nails, but any
of our connective tissues like our bones, our ligaments, and tendons.
It's a part of all of that.
Restorative, yeah.
So it helps support healthy skin formation, right?
And so like you're saying, if you're not getting it from bones, you can still, basically vitamin
C helps support the production of collagen.
So you can make a bone broth or boneless broth with, you know, you can buy vegetable broth
in the stores, but basically it's the same concept.
You're just not putting animal bones in there.
So if you did use, make a broth of, you know, and put things that are rich in vitamin C
and some of the, some examples of that that would actually taste good in a bone broth
would be things like tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus fruits, like, you know, put a lemon
in there.
It'll be a more lemon flavored bone broth, but getting foods in your broth that are higher
in vitamin, good sources of vitamin C are a good way to produce that if you're avoiding
the bones, but, um, yeah, so it's just, at the end of the summer, someone was cleaning
out the rest of their garden with the last harvest and, and brought me a bunch of jalapeno
peppers and some eggplant and tomatoes and stuff from the garden.
And I, I don't really know what I would do with all those jalapenos.
So the next Sunday morning when I was making my broth, I'm like, you know, I'm going to
throw some of these peppers in there.
And I threw it in and it gave a really nice kick to it, which is not something I would
have ever thought to do before, but just whatever vegetables I have in the fridge, I just, it,
I just happen to throw in that week and it just gives it like a different type of flavor
each week.
I feel like every batch of bone broth I make tastes a little bit different from the other
because it's a different amount of stuff every time.
So we'll talk a little bit about how, how we make that, how we make our own bone broth
Before we do that, I do want to point out that it also can help cleanse the liver, which
is super important because the liver is the gatekeeper of all of our organs and the liver
detoxification process is so important to just so complex.
And we learned a lot about that in that hormone course last year, there's two different phases
of liver detoxification, but basically this, they both have to be working properly.
And the gelatin that is found in bone broth has amino acids that support the phase two
liver detox, which is the part of the, of the detox that actually flushes all this gets
it out.
So you, you don't want that part to be stagnant.
So that's a super important reason to keep that in there.
When people, when you start feeling sluggish and icky, like your liver is just not functioning
And that's an indication that like, something's not right.
I need to nurture my liver and help it cleanse.
And you notice, like, I was struggling with all this back pain this year, right?
So I know my cortisol is high because I'm in constant physical stress mode in my body.
So that's out of whack.
One thing's out of whack, the next thing's out of whack.
It's like a vicious cycle.
And how do I want to explain this?
I'm just trying to think like with the detoxification process, when it gets stuck, no matter what
wellness steps you need to be well and lose weight and do all these other things, it's
not working if that detox is blocked up.
So the first thing, no matter what, no matter what kind of wellness routine you're looking
to kick off detox is always best, right?
Start off with that detox.
So getting back to the intent of this podcast, which is Bone Broth, that's definitely a good
accelerator that helps with that detox process.
So important.
And I think we all get, our detox process gets a little bit backed up this time of year
because we're putting a lot of toxins in there.
That's why I think everybody always wants a little detox in January, right?
I need to detox.
But tell us, how do you make yours?
Without question, in my freezer at all times, I have two gallon size Ziploc bags.
One contains all of my veggie scraps and things that would taste good in a bone broth, right?
So I'm not putting cantaloupe peels or anything in there.
I put anytime I'm cutting up an onion or garlic or any herbs, stems from herbs, herbs I'm
not using, I put carrots peel, if I'm peeling a carrot or cutting off the ends of the carrot
or the celery.
So carrots, celery, onions, garlic, herbs, stems.
If I have tomatoes that are sitting on the counter too long and they start to shrivel,
I don't throw them away.
I put them in that bag.
They all go in my bag in the freezer when that bag gets full, I'm like, okay, it's time
to make my bone broth.
Because in my second bag, I have bones.
And when we're talking about bone broth, it's chicken or beef.
We don't eat a lot of beef, especially beef with bones.
So mostly my bone broth is chicken or turkey.
And when those bags get full, I use my instant pot for mine.
I don't know about you.
I put mine on the stove.
And you can do it either way.
I just made my turkey bone broth and it was too big for my instant pot.
So I had to use a huge stock pot.
Yeah, I put mine in the instant pot and there's a broth button on there.
And I actually run it through twice because I do find that if it's just one cycle in the
instant pot, it's not as rich and flavorful.
So I hit the bone broth thing and I don't release the vent.
I let it go slow release, take a while.
And then when it's done, I just hit the button again, let it run another cycle, wait till
it naturally releases.
And I store it.
I pulled it inside out when it's cool, set it outside in my garage refrigerator overnight
until it cools.
And then the next day I just, I mean, I don't get all fancy with it.
I just take it and put it over a pot and strain it with a mesh strainer.
It's not, you know, pure crystal clear bone broth.
It's got a little cloudiness to it, but yeah, I mean, well, and I should say you take off
the bag of the veggie scraps, bag of the bones, fill the pot with water, of course.
I usually add like a tablespoon of salt.
I add some peppercorns and I also add a splash of the unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
That's really good.
That's really good to add that apple cider vinegar in it.
It extracts more of the marrow out from those bones.
So that's definitely good to put in there too.
And it's not things that someone's going to turn their nose up and think, oh, you put
vinegar in your broth.
It doesn't taste like that.
It's not like that, but it has more medicine, right?
Food is by medicine.
Food is medicine.
So that's part of it too.
I don't, I make my, I mean, I guess I use the same type of things as you, but I usually
will buy one of those heirloom chickens from Trader Joe's.
And I just, I dump that in the pot.
I add all my carrots, celery, onion, peppers, like I said, whatever vegetables I happen
to have in the fridge are what goes in that stock pot.
And we, Kristen and I both have tower gardens where we grow our own herbs and greens and
So I'll chop off, I'll chop off some kale, a bunch of herbs, like whatever I feel like
chopping off that time.
And I'll add that in and salt, pepper, garlic.
I like to add dill in there.
I love dill.
Sometimes I'll add some sage or just whatever's really fragrant, I'll add in there and just
let that cook for a few hours over the stove.
And then I strain everything out, the meat from that I'll save and I make avocado chicken
salad with it, or just different types of things that I use with that.
I love that you put the whole chicken in there.
That's such a great idea.
And then, I mean, you're just, you're using the whole thing.
Yeah, you pay for the price of these, like, you know, you see broth on the store shelves,
it's like two bucks a quart, but real bone broth, I mean, my God, you can pay like $7
for a two cup portion for a really good quality bone broth.
I mean, you already paid for the chicken, use the bones, keep the bones.
And I do buy organic chicken when I want to make mine because the better quality animal
you're going to get better quality nutrients from those bones.
We have a butcher here in the next town over from us, that's all grass fed, pasture raised
animal in there.
And I get my beef bones from there.
And they have these big ass bones that you can get for the beef broth in there instead.
I prefer the poultry bone broth, but I like to make the beef to mix things up once in
a while.
I like that one more in the winter time.
Sometimes you can even add just a, you know, a little bit of the beef bones to your, your
poultry just for the creation of labor.
See, this is why it tastes different every time.
It's different.
Right, exactly.
The pot, you can't screw it up.
Like, and when I do mine on the stovetop, I just turn it like, let it come up to a boil.
And then I just bring it back down to a simmer where it's barely bubbling.
I just let it go like all day like that, just start it in the morning.
Just let it go all day.
And the longer you can let it just sit there and barely bubble.
Me too.
My, my turkey bone broth starts on Thanksgiving, so I save my turkey carcass and cause I could
honestly care less about the Thanksgiving turkey, but I want that bone broth from the
I just made it a couple days ago cause I use my turkey bone broth every year.
It's our Christmas tradition.
I make Italian wedding soup and that's what we have Christmas Eve, like lunch or dinner.
We also have, we just have it again on Christmas day and usually days after that bone, the
Italian wedding soup, the broth from that.
And if you don't, if I don't use the Turkey, it's just not the same.
It's gotta be, it's a tradition, so, so good.
It's one of my favorite things.
And it's so economical.
Like when I have, then I have this big pot of it and I put it into Mason jars.
So you can either put it in the pint jars or the court jars.
And I, I've always got some in my freezer.
That's awesome.
I love that.
And then, so what are some things that you do with it?
Like aside from having it, you can drink it.
If it's a cold day and you just want something tasty to sip on, right?
I usually have mine.
I usually have mine in the mid morning if I, if I, you could have it in place of a cup
of coffee in the morning and it's chilly.
It's the morning.
It's just a nice thing to have in the morning, but cooking wise, tell us how you cook with
Are you still on there?
No, I'm still here.
Go ahead.
Obviously we've been losing your sound.
Talk about the cooking.
Obvious part is like, you know, if you're cooking soup, that's an obvious way to use
your bone broth, but there's a lot of recipes that, you know, if there's water or liquid
in a recipe, you can substitute that for bone broth or some recipes will call for just chicken
broth or vegetable broth.
You can use your bone broth in there.
So you're kind of adding it to your foods.
If there's anything that just needs a little bit of sauciness or something, you want to
thin something out, add a splash of bone broth to that.
You can cook your rice in it instead of just cooking it in water.
It gives it so much flavor.
So, so good.
And then it all gets absorbed right into there.
These are all great ideas.
And I hope everybody takes an opportunity to make some over the next couple of weeks,
try to get some broth in there.
It's just an easy thing to make and a great way to add some minerals and vitamins and
good nutritious health and get that collagen in your body.
All good things.
Save the bone.
Don't throw away the bones.
Those are money.
When I'm done with my bone broth, I just sit back and look at it for a minute.
I'm like, look at that.
That is just like liquid gold right there.
So good.
Way better than the stuff you buy in the store.
All right.
Thanks everybody.
See you soon.
Friends, thank you so, so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this somehow blesses
you in some kind of way.
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so others may
learn about this important topic.
As you listen to the podcast, we know you must've been thinking of others that need
to hear this.
When you hear that calling, it's no coincidence.
Please share the podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, reach their goals, learn about
nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live a long, healthy
and happy life.
Hello there. Welcome Hello, friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health,
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with their struggles.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down the rabbit hole of confusing, conflicting
information that's swirling all around you.
We've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Coach Gina and I, I'm Coach Kristin here, focus
our health coaching on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection
of what's going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity, and the overall health of your spirituality practice,
your career, finances, and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website,,
to learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer, as well as to purchase
our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We're so proud to share this with you and hope that you'll find it to be the catalyst
that you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
And Coach Jean and I are with you every step of the way to help guide and educate you and
help you make this your own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
We have a growing catalog of hormone-specific coaching programs that we absolutely love,
and we know you'll love them too.
So we just got done talking about grounding and earthing and taking in deep cleansing
And Kristin and I just took a nice, big, deep cleansing breath before we got started.
And I think we both feel really good and really calm now while we kick off today's
podcast talking about our immune health.
So today you're here with health coach Kristin, myself health coach Gina, and we just want
to talk a little bit more.
We went live last week talking about our immune health, and we wanted to just build on that
a little bit more and thought it would be a great topic to talk about this time of year
on a podcast.
What are we heading into?
We're heading into cold and flu season, which is all directly linked to sugar season season.
And what holidays we're approaching Halloween, I call it Hello, thanks, miss, because all
the stores have like the Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas stuff all out at the same time.
Our Costco had Christmas trees out in August this year.
We're like, you totally bypassed Halloween and Thanksgiving.
They went right to Christmas.
Like, wait a minute, I still need to get a patio umbrella and some pool towels.
Wait a minute.
Not ready for Halloween candy yet.
When we head into this time of year, we have the kids going back to school, right?
So they're exposed to germs they haven't been exposed to and in several months, but we're
also heading into Halloween, which is candy season, candy holiday.
We have Thanksgiving pies and cakes and cookies and snacks.
We have Christmas, Christmas cookies and New Year's and desserts and all sorts of snacks
and goes right through to Valentine's Day, right?
So our cold and flu season, which we like to call sugar season, because sugar puts our
bodies into an acidic state, it deteriorates our gut health and makes us more susceptible
to getting sick, right?
So I'm not really one of the mindset that you, where did I catch that germ?
I used to be, I used to want to know where I caught every germ from and where I got every
sickness from.
But now I know if I'm getting sick, it's because I'm depleted on the inside.
And it's not just sugar.
I think sugar definitely plays a huge part in it.
But when you really look at it, like kids in particular, I feel like this starts with
As soon as they go back to school, it spirals, right?
They're in school for a week or two, they're bringing stuff home and then we're catching
it, right?
But so you've got kids that are outside all summer playing outside, running around, doing
stuff, right?
They're outside and they're getting all that sunlight, which is so good for our immune
health, that vitamin D, so good for our immune health.
And then they're like, now they're stuck indoors, they're in a classroom, they're not outside
breathing the air enough, they're, they're stuck inside.
So yeah, all of that alone just suppresses our immune systems too.
So yeah, just that whole change of environment.
So another, another benefit of being outside, but yeah, we, we are definitely, that whole
change of environment changes things.
And then as we head into the holiday season, we're talking about sugar.
It's not the sugar, it's not just the sugar, huge part of it, but it's the whole change
in everything that we're eating too.
Not just the, not just the sugary things, but just more of the things that we, why do
we do that at parties?
We have more of the holiday parties, whether it's Halloween parties or Thanksgiving or
all the, you know, you don't just have Christmas day, you have the whole month of December
that you're, everybody wants to have a party and you got to go to all the parties and everybody
has all this food out that you don't normally eat in different, in quantities that you don't
And then, and then the alcohol is that also suppresses the immune system.
So we're just eating and drinking and closing our, so all this stuff that we're doing.
So yeah, it's a problem.
And I don't know about you, but I don't care what it is.
I don't care if it's a cold or like you're saying, I used to care, like who got me sick?
Like it was, I used to get mad about it too, where did I get this from?
You brought this home.
But it's, it's, it's all, it's the whole ball of wax.
It's everything.
And I don't know about you.
I hate being sick.
I don't have time for that.
Nobody has time for that.
We especially don't have time for that, but it starts on the inside.
It always starts on the inside and this is our house, right?
Our body is our house.
And we think of it, I like to also say we're the CEOs of our own body.
We're in charge of what goes in.
We're in charge of what kind of energy we take in, what kind of food we take in, what
quality of water we take in, whether we take in all the cakes and pies and sugars and cookies
and candies and, and all of that stuff, we're in charge of that.
So if you're going to visit the dessert table, make sure you're visiting the vegetable table
first, get those vegetables in any way you can because vegetables put our bodies into
an alkaline state.
Disease can't live in an alkaline state, right?
But disease lives in an acidic environment and all of those junky things create an acidic
environment and destroy the gut health, right?
And health, all disease begins in the gut.
So how do we get a healthy gut?
How do we, if that's where it starts, what do we do to get that house cleaned?
And it's not just about the foods that we put into the gut, but how our mental health
is affecting the gut, right?
So taking those, like, like before we started the podcast, take a deep breath, just reset
the immune system, get everything to relax and fall into place.
Like doing things, like you said, drinking water, getting good quality sleep, not just
the foods that you're eating, but just the other, what are the external things that you're
doing to keep your body in a state of relaxation, less stress, right?
A state of ease, right?
Living in ease.
That's the ultimate goal, right?
Living in ease.
Ease is joy.
It's love.
It's having an ease.
Today's October 10th.
When we're recording this, it's October 10th and today's actually World Mental Health Day.
So interesting that we're talking about all of this stuff today, but every day should
be mental health day plays such a huge role in our health overall.
And I think much more than we give it credit for, because we automatically always go right
to, you know, if I don't feel that, what can I eat to feel better?
Like, yeah, it's really just so much more about the mental health that plays a role
in our overall health, because it really does affect the gut.
And that directly affects the immune system.
So yeah, let's not overlook those things that we can do to put our body in a state of ease,
get good sleep, rest, breathe.
That's our circle of life, right?
Our very first tool that we go back to as health coaching is how are we in that circle
of life?
Where do we fall in all of those pieces of the pie?
Our job?
Are we stressed out at work?
Do we have, is it high production?
Is it stressful?
Is it toxic people?
Or is it good people that we're working with?
Are we happy there?
Are we doing the right things?
How's our relationship?
How's our social life?
How's our sex life?
How's our spirituality?
Like where do we fall on all those categories?
Because again, we go back to when one's out, more than one is out, right?
If we have one thing out, how do we get that back in?
So our wheel, our circle of life is all in balance.
It's not just the food.
Not just the food.
That is so true.
But then let's, so let's talk about the food because then we have that piece because it's,
I always, I say to people, willpower is directly correlated to blood sugar.
Blood sugar is directly correlated with willpower.
So if we just tell people like, don't eat sugar because it suppresses your immune system,
bad for gut health.
Well, that's easy to say, but when your willpower is like, ooh, cookies and candy, right?
Like homemade pie.
It's cake knives, man.
I'm a sucker for the cake knives.
But so really what we want to do is crowd out.
So we want to add more of the good stuff in and crowd the bad stuff out.
So yeah, there might be a plate of desserts in front of us or a plate of things that probably
we shouldn't be eating that can be so tempting, but we really want to add in the good things
first, the good things that help neutralize our bodies and take away those cravings.
The more alkaline we can keep our body, the more in an alkaline state that we can keep
our body, the less cravings for things that are undesirable for our health happen to us.
And a lot of times like our, so cravings are real and your cravings, like I said, are directly
correlated to blood sugar.
So if your blood sugar is spiking or if it's in a dip, you're going to crave things.
So I always tell people before you just give into that, maybe just kind of take a body
Am I really hungry or am I just thirsty?
What am I really craving?
Am I craving something more like, is it more of an emotional need?
Am I like, you know, a lot of people, I'm not one of those people.
Like when I'm angry, when I'm angry, my house is really clean because some people get angry
and they overeat.
Like they get like the angry eat, but I'm like, no, I'm just, I'm going to go clean.
Ask yourself, take a scan and then try to like drink some water first, hydrate first
before you give into that.
And like Gina said, crowd out the bad by getting the good stuff in first, because typically
a craving comes from just something that's missing in our diet.
And it could be something that's missing just like on a, you know, on a vitamin or
a mineral or a nutritional level.
So it could be that you're just not, a lot of it is just magnesium.
So dark green leafy vegetables tend to, um, just getting a magnesium gives our body some
of that stuff.
So eat the salad first, like visit the vegetable section first, get before you even go to a
party, eat some good stuff at home first, or, or even like we use our juice plus complete
Those are a great way to get a whole bunch of nutrition and even get something a little
bit sweet before you go to that party.
And it kind of just, it like they have the glycemic index similar to that of broccoli.
So it's very balancing to the blood sugar satisfies cravings.
It's so many reasons why it's so good for us.
I just had my shake before we started recording.
I just had one.
Um, I love the chocolate with the dark cherries, that big bag of organic dark cherries from
I usually add in there and I love it.
Chocolate covered cherries.
That's a good one.
Same thing.
Every day with my, I just do the vanilla shake mix with the frozen mixed berries pretty much
every day.
So that's good.
They're filling.
They're good.
They're filling for us.
Like you said, we're not spiking up that blood sugar.
We're keeping balanced with that.
Um, how about fermented foods?
So good for our fat health, it feeds all the good bacteria, which is so important this
time of year.
And one of the reasons that sugar is bad for us is because it depletes our minerals, our
vitamins and minerals.
So we need to get all that built back in, build the gut health back up.
Um, but yeah, I mean, when you say fermented foods, I think a lot of people kind of gross
out over a lot of those things.
I mean, you either love it or you hate it.
Some things that you can add in a little bit every day are things like kimchi.
I like it.
And you don't, you don't have to eat a plate of kimchi.
You don't have to eat a plate of sauerkraut.
You can have a tablespoon or two, right?
Get that.
This is live stuff.
This is better than the probiotics you're buying in a capsule.
Our bodies are going to better absorb nutrition from food a hundred percent all the time better
than it does from things in a capsule.
And probiotic, I think is one of those things.
Cause when you take a probiotic by capsule, it may make it to the digestive track.
It may make it through the digestive system before it gets to the, to the large intestines
and the colon, but your stomach acids could end up so that it could kill that before it
gets there.
So we don't necessarily really know about probiotics yet in capsule form, but by food,
it's much better assimilated.
It's right.
It's more bioavailable.
And probiotics, that's something else you don't want to just grab off the shelf.
You want to research your brands and Garden of Life is a good one.
I've used that one and Vital Flora, I think is the other one.
There's a couple of good brands out there.
The Garden of Life I'm taking right now, but it's all about quality no matter what.
But if you can get those probiotic foods in, like Kristin said, the kimchi, the kefir,
whether it's, you can get a non-dairy, right?
I'm not really a yogurt person because I don't really love dairy, but I started buying this
cashew yogurt from Trader Joe's.
It's so good.
I love it.
I've been adding that in a little bit and kombucha, it's so easy.
I make that at home.
Sometimes I'll buy one when I go to the store, but usually I make that at home.
That's a great way too, to get the fermented, that's a fermented tea.
And I love kombucha.
There's lots of different options out there.
So if there's something like, if you don't love it, you don't have to eat it, but try
something else.
And the goal is to just restore that gut bacteria.
So we have more of the good bacteria than the bad in there, and that's the ratio that
we need.
So everybody has their part to play in there, but as far as keeping a strong, healthy gut
and a strong, healthy body, and ultimately keeping our immune health strong, that's a
good way to keep things running right, adding in fermented foods.
And let's talk really quick about fiber-rich carbohydrates, because I think carbohydrates
are important and getting a good fiber-rich carbohydrates in our body helps keep our blood
sugar balanced.
Another reason why we love the shake mix, the juice plus complete shake mix, but also
just things incorporating throughout your regular part of your day, like with your breakfast,
lunch, or dinner, having things like apples, apple with peanut butter is a great snack,
eating sweet potatoes.
I like to cook sweet potatoes and keep them in the refrigerator, or if you roast them
in chunks, you can add a couple of those chunks into like a tossed salad for lunch.
So you're getting some of those fiber-rich carbohydrates with each meal, so having your
shake for breakfast, having some sweet potato in your salads at lunch and apples and peanut
butter for snacks, so get some fiber-rich carbohydrates in to keep the blood sugar balance
will keep you from craving a lot less sugar.
So it helps manage that so that when you do go to the parties during cold and flu season,
you can better manage the amounts of sweets and junk food that you do eat, and maybe you'll
be happy with a little bit less.
And I always think it's a really good thing too, when people eat a lot of sugar and they
really realize how crappy they feel, I'm like, that's a really good thing, and it's an eye-opening
thing to make, like, I feel like it's a milestone to realize how bad you feel after you eat
that way, and it helps keep you away from it the next time.
So what is one more thing that we do, Gina, to help build our immune systems?
We eat juice plus.
Oh, yes.
We eat our juice plus.
Like, where are we going with this?
Show me in.
So our juice plus, we have whole food, which is picked, it's fruit, berry, vegetables,
over 30 to 40, including the omegas, 30 to 40 different fruits and vegetables that are
picked at their peak of ripeness, flash frozen, dried, and encapsulated.
That's it.
It's food in a capsule.
So we're eating, we try to eat a lot of vegetables, and like you said the other day, when I was
said, I feel like I've been eating like a rabbit lately.
I do eat a rainbow.
It's important to me to make sure I eat a rainbow every day, right?
So I'm great with my rainbow at breakfast, I'm great with my rainbow at lunch.
Dinner, I have a vegetable or two, but not like I do for breakfast and lunch.
So I don't eat 30 to 40 different fruits and vegetables in a day, and this is an excellent
way to get that variety into our body.
So vitamin A is comprised of many different fruits and vegetables, right, that make up
a complete vitamin A. So you get different things from different plants, and it's good
to have that variety.
So we're building up complete vitamins and minerals and getting those trace elements
as well into our body.
Which is why it's better than a multivitamin, because those are just fractionated forms
of those multivitamins that we get from the whole food.
And you know, one thing I've noticed, and a lot of other people have noticed too that
are eating Juice Plus, you are inevitably going to get sick from time to time.
Like that just happens, right?
That's just how life is.
But I notice that if I get sick, I am much, I'm sick much less often, first of all.
But when I do, the severity of my, of a cold or something, or virus that I'm catching is
so minimal that most of the time I'll find myself feeling like, huh, am I sick or not?
Like I can't even, I can't quite figure it out because it's so minimal, which I think
is a good thing.
That's my immune system working strong.
And so that Juice Plus supports the health of our immune system and research on Juice
Plus, independent research shows that it is bioavailable, which, so that's what made sense
to me when I learned about this product over 11 years ago was in nutrition school, Gina
and I were taught to teach our clients to eat whole food because that's what's bioavailable.
That's what our body is going to recognize in order to better support our health.
So with the way that Juice Plus has made and encapsulated that it is whole food, I
was like, this makes sense.
Our body's going to identify with this and recognize this and use this.
And boy, it sure does.
Cause it's made a huge impact on my health and the health of my family.
It's just thinking about, I think about how we don't put sand in the gas tank of our car
and expect our car to run right, right?
You can't put McDonald's or Wendy's or things like processed foods in our bodies and think
that it's giving us nutritional value to keep ourselves healthy and strong.
It doesn't work that way.
We were given, the body is designed beautifully and we were given all the food to feed it.
God put all that food on the planet for a reason, but like Gina said, you can't eat
30 different plants every day.
That's a lie.
I know.
I feel the same way, Gina.
I eat a lot of vegetables.
I love them, but I also like my little cheat foods too.
So let's go to the parties over the holidays and enjoy it, but do the little things in
between to keep our immune system healthy and strong and yeah, so that we can, we don't
want to restrict.
We want to live life and enjoy it, but keep that immune system healthy and strong so that
we can get through the holidays without spending so much time being sick.
Cause I am too busy for that.
And don't have guilt over it either.
That's a big part of it too.
There's no self loathing or self guilt.
If you have the, if you have the things I'm going to have the things I'm going to have
the things I'm just going to add in more of the good and keep it's not, it's not a one
shot thing, right?
Living a long, healthy, happy life takes time.
It doesn't happen after you have a heart attack and you decide to do better, or it doesn't
happen once you're once you're not well, you can start every day, but having a long
term practice of eating well is living well.
Once again, live long, die short.
That is the goal.
It would be like my great-grandfather, I think he lived to 97 years old, lived on his own
independently right up to the end.
That is the goal.
So yes.
All right, people, let's keep those immune systems strong.
Let's get through the holiday season, hopefully without getting sick.
And if you do, hopefully the duration is very, very short.
So, all right.
Thanks everybody.
Thank you so, so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this somehow blesses
you in some kind of way.
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so others may
learn about this important topic.
As you listen to the podcast, we know you must've been thinking of others that need
to hear this.
When you hear that calling, it's no coincidence.
Please share the podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, reach their goals, learn about
nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live a long, healthy
and happy life.
o the Common Sense Nutrition Podcast. This podcast today is going to be
all about big batch cooking.
My Common Sense Nutrition Podcast, I'm really excited that you're here with me today, says
a lot about the fact that you want to learn a little bit more about ways to improve your
health and hopefully I'm going to share some tips and information with you today that will
help you just make that one little tiny bit easier. And today, like I said, we're going
to be talking about big batch cooking. I'm going to share some really great ideas with
you guys, just some benefits of it we'll discuss, share with you some places that I go to find
ideas to help inspire me when I'm looking to do some sort of a big batch something.
And I'm just going to share some tips and some ideas for just my top big batch meal
ideas. But before I get started, I wanted to just remind everybody to go ahead and check
out my website, for more information on what I do as a health
I'm excited about this topic. I feel like it's really important for us to get our heads
around this because part of what I do as a health coach is I teach a clean eating program
where I lead a program every month for 10 days every month where we're really trying
to teach people to make some changes to their lifestyle that become habits. And those habits
are the things that contribute to the long lasting change in people's lives. And one
thing I really instill in people is that every meal that you make does not have to be like
you're reinventing the wheel and you're not Julie a child in the kitchen unless you want
to be, but most of us aren't. And most of us just don't have the time for that. So big
batch cooking is something that I really feel like it's just going to help all of us if
you embrace it and get better at it. I hear so many people say that they don't like to
cook or that they can't cook. And I think it's maybe because they're just making it
too difficult on themselves. Like they maybe have envisioned sitting down and having to
like search for and find all these recipes and come up with this crazy list of ingredients
and it just then it becomes overwhelming. And then, you know, when we are in overwhelm,
we shut down, right? It's just how our brains work. So if I can encourage you to do things
that are making life a little bit easier for you, this is one of the top tips that I have
is big batch cooking. And I really feel like it's really pertinent right now. I'm recording
this a couple days before Thanksgiving. And, you know, that's a humongous meal. And one
of the things I love about Thanksgiving is that I know that when I cook that meal, I'm
not going to have to cook really I'm not going to have to like make, you know, go grocery
shopping and come up with another menu. My hope and goal is to have that meal kind of
get us through the weekend, right? Thanksgiving's on Thursday. I'm going to make some leftover
I'm going to make soup out of the leftovers. We're going to have sandwiches. We'll probably
just, you know, heat and eat some of the leftovers. We just use it up as much as possible. So
I just I think it's been on my mind because of Thanksgiving. So I just wanted to share
some other ideas with you. Because if it's like just like, let's talk about some of the
benefits. For example, first of all, like I said, it's a time saver. And one thing I
love about this is that it will I mean, Thanksgiving meal aside, we know that's not the healthiest,
right? But it but big batch cooking in general, really can help you stick with healthy choices.
We know that, you know, a failure to plan is a plan to fail. You've heard that cliche
line a million times. But when you have you when you have something that you've already
cooked, and then you're going to reheat it or reuse it or repurpose it, it just helps
you stick to your your healthy meal plan, your clean eating plan. Because something's
already cooked, or at least partway done for you. So we make bad choices when we don't
have options in front of us, and we get desperate, right? You know, you just then you're like
eating everything that's not nailed down because you're just hungry, and you haven't planned
anything. So it helps you stick to those healthy choices and really stick to a clean eating
plan. And the simplicity of it like big batch cooking doesn't have to be difficult or cumbersome,
it doesn't have to take hours or all day, it can really just be it can be a grand scale
like Thanksgiving dinner, or it can be just simple things like, you know, cooking extra
of, you know, if I'm cooking a chicken breast, I might as well cook two or three chicken
breasts, things like that. And we'll talk a little bit more in detail about that. And
one of my favorite things is less mess. I just I love that. So over the weekend, I cooked
up some I we grilled some chicken. And I had some leftover. And last night, my Monday nights
are usually really busy. I've got a conference call and my Mondays are just kind of nuts
anyway. And when my day ends with a conference call, that means I don't have a lot of time
to think about dinner, but I really love dinner and I don't want to skip it. So I was like,
Okay, let's take this leftover chicken out of the fridge. I chopped it up and used a
mixture of just a homemade taco seasoning, which you can look up online anywhere. And
I put it in a skillet, added some taco seasoning to the chicken, and we made homemade tacos
out of it. Super easy. And it was in that you kind of feel like you're cheating when
you like you've hit the you found the cheat code button, which is it's awesome. And it's
just it's less mess and less time. It's just awesome. Such a time saver. And I mean, you
guys, so many of you guys are busy, busy moms, working moms, you have kids, kids have sports.
I mean, there's just so many reasons why we're being pulled in so many different directions.
And big batch cooking is a lifesaver for, you know, busy people and maybe not even so
busy people alike. But I'm gonna tell you guys a little bit. I want to tell you how
I how do you guys find these ideas? How do you come up with, you know, where do you find
the recipes? Where do you find the inspiration? One of my favorite and I've said this before,
one of my favorite resources is Pinterest. I have Pinterest account. I have a couple
of Pinterest boards. You can find me on Pinterest. Common Sense Nutrition on Pinterest. And actually
probably should put together a big batch, a big batch cooking board for all of you guys
to follow. And I'll start working on that. That sounds kind of fun. But when I'm in Pinterest,
I typically like you can search do a Pinterest search for big batch cooking, big batch meals,
big back, big batch, you know, breakfast, lunch, dinner, search by category can even
do big batch snacks. In Pinterest you can pretty much put any title in there and something's
going to come up. You can also search in there for sheet pan dinners. And you can search
things like lunch for a crowd or dinner for a crowd, breakfast for a crowd, or make ahead
meals kind of thing. And I really like to search for those ideas. You know, add the
word vegetarian or vegan to it. I actually like the word vegan better because typically
I find that when you're searching for vegetarian in the category, in the search field, you
get a lot of vegetarian meals unfortunately are high. You get a lot of pasta, you get
a lot of cheese, you get a lot of just stuff that's not really healthy. It just technically
isn't from animal protein. So I really like the term vegan better. But I'm not a vegetarian
or a vegan. So when I'm searching and trying to prepare big batch meals, I actually like
that I can do, you know, animal protein in bigger batches so that I can like kind of
cook it and freeze it to have it so I don't have to do that every single time. It's a
time saver like we said. So I want to tell you guys a little bit about some of the, just
to throw off some big batch meal ideas and things that you may want to search for. Like
I love any type of meatball. And when you search for meatball, you can do meatball in
any ethnicity. So you can search for like Asian meatballs, Italian meatballs, Greek
meatballs, Mexican meatballs. And when you make meatballs, it's kind of, it's work, right?
You got to get the ground meat and you got to put all this extra stuff in it and you
got to mix it up and then you got to put them into balls and bake them or cook them somehow.
I love doing meatballs. Anytime I have a recipe that calls for them, I usually make a double
batch because I can put them in the freezer even before the cooking process. If you, one
of those retractable cookie scoops, I have a couple different sizes which is awesome
for meatballs. And I scoop them out, put them on sheet pans like on wax paper or parchment
paper on a sheet pan and put them in the freezer. When they're frozen, just pop them off the
sheet pan and put them into Ziploc bags, label the bag, put them in your freezer. Those are
great for anything. You know, I mean, if you're going to cook them in or, you know,
redo that, whatever that recipe was over again and the meatball part's already done. So that
saves a huge amount of time. I'm an Italian New Yorker. I love making big batch spaghetti
sauce and freezing it. If I'm going to make spaghetti sauce, it's really not an all day
process either. It's super simple. But if I'm going to make spaghetti sauce, I make
a double, triple, quadruple batch. And I put that also, once it cools, I section it
off into one cup or two cup scoops or whatever into, you know, Ziploc bags and also put that
in the freezer. And then I label the bag whether or not I put them, sometimes I put the meatballs
right in the sauce, sometimes I don't. So that's a time saver. And if you got your meatballs
already done, I mean, that's the simplest dinner already. Meatballs in the freezer,
sauce in the freezer, done. And when it comes to, you know, spaghetti sauce and meatballs,
you don't always have to serve it over pasta. You can serve that over, like maybe all you
have to do is heat up a spaghetti squash and thaw the sauce in the meatballs and that's
dinner, right? Or you could put your spaghetti sauce, you know, do like some sort of like
a chicken parm kind of thing and put it in the oven to bake with, you know, bake it in
the sauce. That's a great idea. Soups are just one of the easiest big batch meal things
you can make. If I'm making some sort of a soup and I don't like to make like cream
based or a potato based soup and freeze it because they don't really freeze well. They
don't thaw well and the potatoes kind of fall apart. And anytime I'm making soup to put
in the freezer, if there's pasta in it, I always leave that pasta out for the freezer
portion so that as it thaws, because, you know, think about that pasta is just going
to kind of fall apart as it thaws. So, but anytime any vegetable based soup or anything
like that is just, if I have a recipe for soup and I'm going to go through the trouble
to make it, if I think it's going to freeze well, I will make a double batch or more and
freeze it and just use those. Like you can buy containers, put it in in bags if it's
cool. But I think bags can get a little leaky with liquids as they thaw. But I love putting
soups in just quart sized mason jars and store those in my freezer. Breakfast is really great
also. I know my son is a swimmer and when he was in high school swimming and he had
to get up early in the morning for early morning practice, breakfast, use a muffin tin and
make like little egg type omelet things. And those are super easy. Just line your muffin
tins, like spray them, put whatever you would put in a scrambled egg or in an omelet in
the muffin cups. Like you can put ham and broccoli and cheese and whatever, spinach,
whatever bell peppers are great, what other vegetables you would put in a scrambled egg
and then scramble basically like one egg per muffin cup and pop them in the oven, you know,
350 oven for 15 minutes or so, check them and take those out and put those in a bag
in the freezer. Pull out a couple each week so that they're thawed. I mean, cause those
are actually great just to eat them at room temperature on the go. Those are a great grab
and go breakfast or any of those. Like if you search for a recipe for like those baked
oatmeal cups, those freeze awesome and that's a great grab and go breakfast even if you're
not really, you know, reheating it. I also love to just do big sheet pans of oven roasted
vegetables like root vegetables, carrots, potatoes, onions, you know, beets and parsnips
and rutabaga. Toss them in olive oil and salt and pepper or any kind of seasoning blend.
Throw it in a sheet pan in the oven and roast them and then you can have them for your meat.
Like maybe that's part of your dinner tonight, but then save that because those are great.
The leftover veggies are great just to throw on top of a tossed salad the next day. And
I mean with, you can even use like if you, if you have meatballs or you have leftover
protein, like maybe you have cooked extra chicken breast or you have, you know, maybe
roasted a whole chicken and you have some of those leftover roasted veggies, pretty
much anything you have leftover, you can turn into like, you know, like a Buddha bowl. One
of those bowls, everybody, it's kind of the latest craze, right? Everybody's doing bowls
and you make it a theme. You make it a topic. You, like I, like I said before about the
meatballs, make it an ethnic, like make a, you know, an Asian Buddha bowl or make an
Italian Buddha bowl and make it a theme. So maybe do some rice at the bottom and some
Italian meatballs with some, you know, uh, you know, roasted zucchini and bell peppers.
Just make it an Italian theme. Maybe take some of the spaghetti sauce and put that over
the top. Super great make ahead ideas. And you have all these things, you can repurpose
them. So it's not like you're eating the same exact thing, you know, meal after meal that
can get really boring, but you know, even that is okay too. It's better than, better
than resorting to the junk food. Um, really any type of stew or chili of course is great.
I love using my instant pot for things like that. And again, just freeze your leftover
portions, pretty much any, um, you know, any meal that you're making for dinner. Like
I love to make sure on purpose that I have leftovers so that my tomorrow's lunch is covered
for myself, my husband. It's great to just have that like, okay, we have extra, put it
in a container, put it in the fridge, here's lunch for tomorrow. So that is a huge time
saver. And, um, I do have a Pinterest board for sheet pan meals, which is also, I love
sheet pan meals. Throw everything on a sheet pan, do a Pinterest search for that and see
what comes up. Tons of ideas. Throw everything on a sheet pan, throw it in the oven. And
that is a great way to just do extra, do two sheet pans worth and on, you know, then section
it off as you pull it out of the oven. Like here's some for dinner tonight and intentionally
section off a container of that for, you know, for your lunches for two or three days.
So, um, you know, like I said the other day, I did the chicken, I did chicken and I made
tacos out of the, out of the leftover chicken. So these are such, I hope that these are some
helpful ideas for you guys and, um, that you can, that you find this to be, you know, helpful
and, um, save you guys some time. Cause this is definitely stuff that we do promote when
we are, when we're teaching people our clean eating program each month. And it's stuff
that making these little changes, thinking like this, as you are planning your meals
each week is a really great way to just help you stay on track. And these are the things
that we try to teach people in that plan. So, um, you know, hopefully we've, we've covered
some and given you some compelling reasons why this is a great idea. Really just, you
know, the time saving aspect of it, the less mess and helping you stay on a clean eating
program are huge benefits. It's easy to find these ideas. Honestly, just search Pinterest
or Google, but Pinterest is my favorite searching for big batch, you know, meal ideas. And you
know, when you are in the mode of planning your meals and making your menu and your grocery
list, if you can ask yourself if this can be doubled or frozen, then do it and, and
then save time because maybe once a week you make a big batch something, but then the following
week you have stuff to take out of your freezer and your freezer becomes this like rotating
door of, of different options for you. So, um, I am, I'm hoping that that was really
helpful and I would love to know your thoughts and you know what, um, if you guys also have
other big batch cooking tips, tricks, and ideas to share, I would love to know what
those are as well.
Wrap things up here for us today, but let me give you guys just a really big thank you
and I'm so appreciative that you guys took the time to listen to this and, um, I hope
that you really got some value out of it. So thank you for joining me and listening
and I hope you found it to be a value. And if you do like what you hear, I hope that
you'll share this with a friend and I hope that you will subscribe to my podcast so that
you never miss any of the tips or information that I share. And in the meantime, if you'll
be sure to please check out my website at and while you're
in there, feel free to shoot me a message. Let me know what you'd like to touch on in
future podcasts or anything that you'd like to know more about. I'm always interested
to know what you need and what support I can help you with. So, and while you're in there,
be sure to check out that programs button in my website to learn more about that clean
eating program that I lead each month. I've taken my knowledge of holistic nutrition and
health coaching and preventive health and I combine that with my knowledge of different
dietary theories. And I use this to help coach you through that lifestyle program with
that 10 day monthly jumpstart. So I'm super excited for you to check it out. Message me
through my website once again, to get started. And until next time, this
is Kristen Peterson. Thank you for listening to my Common Sense Nutrition podcast.
Transcribed by
Hello, friends, and welcome to this Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
I am super, super excited for today.
If you are here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or a child find
a better way with dealing with theirs.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down that dreaded rabbit hole of confusing,
conflicting information that is swirling all around you.
Don't worry, we've got you covered.
As certified holistic health coaches, Kristin and I, I'm Gina, focus our health coaching
on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection of what's going on
in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity, and the overall health of your spirituality practice,
your career, your finances, and even your education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker today, we invite you to check out our website,,
to learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer, as well as to purchase
our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We are so proud to share this with you and hope that you will find it to be the catalyst
you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
Our online coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start your program at
a time that's convenient for you.
Coach Kristin and I are with you every step of the way to help guide you and educate you
and help you make this your own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body so you can take the guesswork out of healthy eating.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
Our three-day hormone reset is another great program.
We absolutely love our offerings, and we know you'll love them too.
And now I am so excited to have the honor to introduce our very special guest, Rachel
Lynn Fox.
Rachel is a PMDD recovery specialist and coach.
Research has shown a link between unresolved pain and trauma and the severity of PMDD symptoms.
After personally experiencing profound PMDD and healing from her own, Rachel became trained
and certified in the same therapy that saved her.
Her work is all about healing at a subconscious level so that negative beliefs are reframed
and therefore no longer triggered when the hormones shift.
She uses a therapy model RTT, which is rapid transformational therapy.
RTT uses a combination of hypnotherapy, CBT, and neuroscience alongside coaching and menstrual
cycle awareness, which creates the deep, lasting change in her clients.
It is now Rachel's life work to help bring awareness to PMDD and that there's healing
and hope available.
And on that note, let's meet Rachel.
All right, thank you everyone for being here with us today.
I'm super excited.
We have a really special guest here today, Rachel Lynn Fox, who works with something
that's dear to my heart, PMDD, which is something that when I mention it, sometimes people know
what it is, oftentimes they don't, but it's something that someone very dear to me has
and struggles with for many years.
And I've known it was always a thing.
Like we talked a little bit about this before we started recording.
It's something that I've always known about, but never really knew the extent of it until
I started following some groups on Facebook and really digging into it a little bit more.
So Rachel, tell us what exactly is PMDD?
PMDD stands for premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
In easy explanation, it is PMS on steroids.
It affects one in 20 menstruators.
And we believe that those statistics are pretty low because of how long it takes to get diagnosed.
It takes about five to eight years to get diagnosed.
And out of those one in 20 sufferers, 5% are suicidal.
It is what we would understand as the two weeks out of every month, you have the most
debilitating symptoms and that's, it goes into your luteal phase.
So we have four phases in our menstrual cycle and that menstruation is when we're bleeding.
So we know that as our period, we go into a follicular phase, which is like our inner spring.
Our ovulation is our like our summertime phase when we're feeling really, really great.
And when our estrogen is at its peak and when that estrogen falls, we enter our luteal phase.
And that is about a two week window that lasts.
And because of the rise and the fall of our estrogen and progesterone during that time,
those who suffer with PMDD feel all of these very large scope feelings and emotions and
symptoms throughout the duration.
Some will only last about three to five days.
Others, it can last the entire two weeks.
This is stuff I'm like, even just getting into this right now, I'm like, this is stuff
I wish I had known about when I was younger, because I think when I was younger, I had
heard that phrase PMDD and thought it was just some made up thing, but it's real.
And I've always questioned if that was me.
And as I hear these symptoms, I'm like, I think that was me.
So do you have, Rachel, your own personal experience with PMDD?
Is this how you became so in helping others?
Yeah, I had PMDD.
I think as so I'm 45.
I same as you, I think that I was diagnosed for probably over 25 years of my life.
And it showed up with early depression in my teenager year and my teenage years.
During that time in the nineties, we were just cracking the code on just thinking about
mental health.
So the idea of talking about menstrual health was really, really not even near conversation
and including my home, my girlfriends, like no one was talking about our periods.
Everyone would say like, oh, I have a bad period, but that's really the extent of it.
So depression to me never correlated any kind of connection to my menstrual cycle.
But over the years, I ended up really, really struggling with anger and rage.
I had debilitating lows and crying spells.
And it wasn't until probably the last five years that I began to really know anxiety
and panic attacks, which are all symptoms of PMDD, including binge eating chronic fatigue,
these debilitating mood swings, the anger, depression, the rage, there's so much that
can be really packed into what one experiences.
But through my own journey, the way that I have really turned my whole self around
is when my symptoms became so intense.
It was during COVID when I lost my job and my daughters also just lost or their school
just closed and they weren't being offered remote learning.
So we were at an all time stress high in our home, trying to seek answers.
And it was just a really, really hard time for all of us at large.
But the way it played out in my home is that I could not contain now the feelings that
I almost just was so I masked for years and years and years.
And my body had nowhere else to go except out with these emotions and these really deep
feelings that through basically hitting a rock bottom of really, really watching the
rise and fall wondering if I was bipolar, wondering, you know, what I could do for help
because oftentimes, because the polarizing scale of the symptoms, you can often be seen
as bipolar and it is often misdiagnosed as bipolar because of the Jekyll and Hyde almost
experience that you can have in a four week time, because right after you bleed, you go
back to normal, you go back to being yourself, you can connect, you can get your tasks done,
you can hold your household down, you know, you can do have good relationships with people.
But the moment that you enter your luteal phase, and you feel those hormones, everything
becomes a trigger for you.
And it wasn't until that for the first time, he's now my husband, but he was my boyfriend
then and he left and said, I can't do this anymore.
I love you.
But this is, I've hit my threshold, you promised once again, that this wouldn't happen again,
you said this, you, you, you know, you broke all these promises.
And I had to get really, really real about what I was trying to do to manage.
And I googled for the first time rage before period.
And that's how I discovered PMDD.
And I went into every Facebook, search engine, YouTube, to find answers.
And after days and days of days of realizing not only first of all, feeling very validated
that I had PMDD, right, because then it's just like, oh, a sense of relief, you're around
a community, it's like, okay, this is me, I'm not alone, I'm not crazy, I'm not bipolar.
But then at the same time, everything that everyone else was already doing, I had done
for the last 20 to 25 years.
So SSR is medications, ketamine therapy, supplements, taking out alcohol, dietary restrictions,
exercise regimes, like whatever it was.
So I really felt at a loss, I actually felt very, very scared, because I thought, well,
this is what I'm going to have to deal with, for the rest of my life, and the only other
outside really sources to have your uterus removed to get a hysterectomy.
So I thought that was like, way, way off the scale for me, like, that if I had to get a
body part removed, so that I could feel relief was like the most crazy concept that I was
like reading, and that's what people were experiencing going through.
And then I drilled down and I found a therapy that people said that was treating PMD.
And it was called rapid transformational therapy.
I knew that I had to try it.
I knew everything that I read about it.
And Marissa Pierre, who developed RTT, everything began to make sense.
I knew that I had pain.
I knew that I had emotional pain, I knew that I was hurting.
And so I was at a place where I could say, yep, that makes sense.
Yep, that's me.
Yep, I can identify Yes, there's definitely something that's been running the show of
a narrative of like, I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough.
I'm not lovable, I'm not loved, like, and that's been going on for a really long time
in my life.
I'll always be alone, like whatever it was.
And so this therapy gets to the root cause of your pain.
And it's a hybrid model of hypnotherapy, neuroscience and cognitive behavioral therapy.
And I jumped into receiving these RTT sessions, and not only did it completely change my life,
it freed me from my symptoms, it completely healed me.
But I knew that this is what I had to do for the rest of my life.
So during COVID, I changed my whole career around.
And I became trained and certified in the very therapy that literally saved my life.
And my message now is to share that there is absolute hope and healing from PMDD.
Oh, got me emotional, that got me really emotional hearing that.
I've read on the pages, like, first of all, what you said, one of the options of having
the hysterectomy, I've seen that so many times, that women are, they're in that desperate
for relief that they're having hysterectomies at young ages to just feel sane, I guess is
the word that I want to say.
And I remember reading something on there at one point about someone had posted one
time, and this is when I really realized how severe this was, what was the worst way you've
ever treated yourself during a PMDD episode or flare?
I don't know the right word for it.
But when you're the most symptomatic, what's the worst thing that you've done to yourself?
Women have driven themselves into concrete walls, into trees, I saw someone say that
she smashed herself in the head with a cast iron pan, just to calm these symptoms, like
just horrible things that people are doing to themselves because of the pain they're
in, because of PMDD.
Yeah, it's, it's frightening how understudied this is.
And I just read that the state of Missouri is now recognizing, I believe it's October
2, is PMDD Awareness Day, because a daughter of, so the mother is now fighting, fought
for legislation for this, but her daughter took her life because of PMDD.
And she fought to get this, you know, more on a national platform.
And you know, there are groups that are bringing this to the forefront.
And thank God, you know, for those voices.
But it is so important that we begin conversations about menstrual health and understanding what
is showing up and how we can work through those deeper feelings.
I mean, if we just even at the base level, had menstrual cycle awareness in our health
classes in high school, it would really be so transformative in our education of what
we're able to just talk through on a level and offer support that you really that you're
you are not alone, and to and to, you know, get these, you know, young menstruators who
are feeling all the feels already with all the hormones surging in their bodies, to,
to find help.
So it's, it is frightening.
And some of the conversations that I've had with clients, whether they've jumped into
my work or not, have been sort of similar like that, like I was driving down the highway,
and I was having thoughts, I just go off the cliff.
Like, it's the that, that because there's the suicidal ideation, once that kicks in,
it is very, very hard to disengage with that when when you're already in that state.
I think this is such a really, this is such an important conversation when you're talking
about the mental health, like that, you know, you're 45.
I'm 52.
I was in high school, like they taught you about period, they taught you like girls and
one room, boys in another room, and they, you know, did the whole, here's how the phase
of your, you know, the cycle works, but nobody talked about the mental health aspect.
So even just suffering from PMS, you felt alone and crazy and all the things and yeah,
I was always the girl in my circle of friends had the heaviest periods, the worst periods,
like, and it was just, that's what I thought was normal.
That was just what I did compared to my friends.
It's stuff that you combine the mental health piece with this, this is really important
And you, you touched on RTT, can you explain just for the listeners a little bit more about
how, what this is and how this works?
Like you just heard this, this changed your life, but give us a little more information
on understanding and defining that, please.
Well, and I think too, Kristin, what you shared is that severe PMS is also misdiagnosed because
we just think that like, oh, you've had a bad period and we don't talk again about the
emotional symptoms.
So again, it's really opening up these conversations, right about with our coworkers, with our sisters,
with our daughters, with our mothers, our aunts, like the women in our lives just say
like, you know, how, how are your symptoms?
You know, how, how are you leading up to your period?
You know, do you feel like you're in control?
Do you feel like you're, you have really, really low days that you can't get out of,
you know, cause it's just so important because I really do believe that everything that we've
told about the bad PMS days that were really so severe, you know, back in the nineties
or late eighties could have very well been PMDD.
So rapid transformational therapy, the way that I see the luteal phase is that it acts
like a magnifying glass and it hones into our unmet needs and our unresolved pain and
our unresolved emotions.
And when you suppress your emotions over a certain time, or, you know, even it can
be years, it can be, you know, decades, your, your body can only handle and hold so much.
So the compact, the compression of the emotions has to come out in some exacerbated way.
I see that those who also suffer with PMDD are highly sensitive people often.
So they will have calls maybe into the arts, the creatives, to writing, to healers, to
nurses, doctors, those who are just, there's just a deeper sensitivity in their calling
and that somehow that version of that has become also suppressed and there hasn't been
actually a true release for that person as an individual.
So therefore there's suppression within the emotional state.
With rapid transformational therapy, the reason why it works out from really it's really
pushed the envelope and results with therapy is because of what it accomplishes in such
a short amount of time.
So take years and years and years of talk therapy, and you're still trying to figure
out the route.
When you deal with the subconscious, you're able, easily able to access the root cause
and reason how we really do that is we tap into the feelings, what you're feeling currently.
And we basically say, well, why are you feeling that way?
And we guide the client into a time, a place, an event that had all to do with that feeling
or that same belief that they picked up then.
And oftentimes it is under the age of 10.
And that is when our subconscious mind was formed primarily.
And now 95% of what we are automated version of us runs off of that 95%.
So if you believed that you were not enough or that you were not lovable or that you were
not seen or you are not heard, and that became the belief system in your mind, your mind
has only one thing to do.
And that is to believe that that is your truth.
And that seeks out that truth in your life.
So your mind can only fixate on what it believes to be true.
So what we do is we unpack that truth, right?
It's the truth of what you believe is to be your truth, and we reveal it for what it is.
And for the first time, you see it with your adult eyes.
And that right there is a profound aha moment and so much clarity that you get because you
now see that you, why you used to believe that you're validating your experience, your
journey, your feelings, your memory, and then you can now understand, okay, this is how
I used to believe, but that's not me anymore.
I'm no longer that little girl.
I'm no longer in that situation.
I'm no longer around those people, whatever it is, you know, because it could be big trauma
and it can be little trauma.
It could be literally anything that formed a negative feeling.
And that feeling became a thought.
And then that thought became so activated, it became your belief.
And so we really expose the outdated programming, the outdated story, the emotion, and we replace
it with empowering messages that you identify with.
And that's how you create this recording that you listen to, to 21 to 30 days to build now
these new neural pathways now to making, and this is the new familiar of your life.
And this is why you can instantly really change the narrative and, and your, your really path,
because you've only been focused on the past, the pain and, and that's really what a lot
of therapies do, but this one sort of just stops it, breaks the cycle, breaks the pattern,
and then allows you to shift into really who you're supposed to be.
And by way of reprogramming your mind, and it said, you know, that rapid transformational
therapy really need to receive two to three sessions to really break that big, big, you
know, cycle of thought and feeling to really gain freedom into, you know, these areas of
your life.
But the importance is when your luteal phase, you can, you now understand why you were being
so deeply triggered, you know, because the luteal phase has this way of making you feel
that everything is a threat, that you're not safe, you're in a constant state of survival
And until you realize that you are safe, that those are old, outdated emotions that have
no place in your life anymore, because you're choosing a better path, you're choosing healing
and wholeness and well being, and that's where you need to be going.
So it's a very, you must be very engaged with the work to get the results.
But the results are, is that you set yourself really on a projectory of full healing and
full freedom.
That's so hopeful.
And that's going to be, you're giving so much hope to so many of our listeners, we, we
specialize in hormone health, right?
So so many of our listeners are listening for that and just bringing that awareness
to them and their daughters and their nieces and the younger ones.
It's just really amazing, amazing work that you're doing.
Thank you, I, I'm absolutely humbled to be able to be doing what I'm doing.
And I feel those who are really drawn to my work and me, it's like a calling, because,
and I feel like you also have experimented and tried every single avenue as I have.
And you're just, you get to the end of your road and saying, Okay, I know that there's
more there in me, that I need answers to, and I know that there's pain.
And the moment that you can do that, the moment that you can say yes.
That's your moment of freedom.
That's your moment where everything shifts, because you have become so aware of the lack
that's happening within.
And it's, it's just a beautiful, beautiful journey to lead others on.
And, you know, I see myself in every client that I have.
Because that was me, you know, not, not really too long ago.
And it's a beautiful connection that, you know, I can, that I have, you know, with them
and, and then watching their lives transform is the most incredible experience of my life
as well.
So it's a, it's a huge honor.
It's so liberating, right?
So freeing.
And I know you mentioned earlier with the bipolar and stuff, that's, well, how, you're
Are you often happy?
And then do you go back to sad?
It's almost like being led to the diagnosis of bipolar.
It's it almost feels like that's the catch, the catch diagnosis that was always being
thrown around toward my person that struggles and so much of what you said is her, her,
and inevitably every self-harm, self-doubt, self-loathing, any part of it days later is
I got my period.
I got my period.
It's like, it's like clockwork.
It's not, it's not random.
It's like clockwork.
How many people must have been over all these years just misdiagnosed and because our medical
system, I'll call it healthcare in quotation is a, wants to give people a medication.
You just need to take this pill and it's going to be fine.
And then you're still going to be feeling that way during your different phases of your
of the month.
So I think that when you're talking about this RTT and thinking this, some things that
people must get to in that root of what they need to get through must be some really deep
stuff that would never otherwise be packed.
And I can, yeah, how freeing that must be to help people come to that realization of
that person.
That's like that year old that's having some sort of trauma or maybe major trauma that
people have to get through.
So what you're doing, this is amazing.
It's just, it's really amazing stuff.
And you would be really surprised.
You know, of course we would understand like, okay, well, you know, big trauma, we can understand
why you would be feeling so miserable and, you know, suicidal during these times, but
you would be so surprised with even just the little moments, the little moments that multiplied
and they became the big.
And you know, I grew up in a wonderful home.
My parents are still married.
There's, they still live in the same house that I grew up in a Christian family.
So you know, I didn't come from a big trauma background.
And I think that's also another thing to really share is that it's really any single moment
that you experienced that made you feel lesser than your true value, because we were born
in our fullness.
You know, we were born in the fullness of who we were supposed to be.
You know, we had no lack.
We had everything given innately designed in us.
And so somewhere along the timeline of us, we picked up messages that were never ever
meant for us.
And often that comes from generational, you know, trauma and DNA that's sort of passed
But it's, you know, become, thankfully, we're becoming a very, very awakened culture now
that we're ready to stop the generational trauma to continue that we're realizing that
the self healing journey is one to really go through and go on so that you can not only
be the best for yourself, be the best for your family, your, your daughters, your sons,
you know, your partners, your husbands, you know, and so it's a it's a very, very rewarding
journey because the moment that you begin to really heal, everything else begins to
heal around you.
And it's a it's a very beautiful thing, because if you think about what mothers are going
through, right, raising little ones, or trying to suffering with PMDD, it's a very, very
isolating world, because you know, it's, and it's embarrassing, and it's very shameful.
And you don't really know who to talk to.
So to get the answers from your doctors, like, here, here's a handful of pills, you know,
it's like, Well, I don't think this is really going to combat everything that's going on
in my home right now, this is these pills are not going to save my marriage, these pills
are not going to explain my my outbursts, you know, so it's we we're, we're very, very disconnected
and but conversations like this, make us really open up to the idea of the disparity
of our system.
So I really commend you both for the work that you're doing, and the voices that you
carry, and the lights that you really shine within you, because that it's a passion of
yours that really, really needs to be spoken about more and more.
Thank you.
Thank you for that.
I think self care keeps combined, and just through this whole process of figuring out,
you know, what this is, if you feel like you have PMDD to get through it, I think there's
got to be a big component of this that into just even though you're struggling with yourself,
how you know, how do you encourage women to incorporate self care into what they do as
part of the healing journey?
Yeah, that's a really great question.
I have one client's mom, who she just said the she just said the coolest thing that she
has done for her daughter for the last several years, and she called it like a tackle and
block system at the moment that her daughter got her loot or went into her luteal phase,
she would text her mom, and her mom would tell her family, but your sister is in her
dip days.
And you cannot require really anything of her don't pick on her don't tease her.
Like just let her go.
And just, you know, this is what she needs right now.
Like, just be tender, be loving, be kind, know, be gracious, be helpful.
And I'm tearing up thinking about it, because I just thought it was the most beautiful gift
that you could give to your daughter to be that supportive, to be that vigilant for her
mental and emotional health.
So what I would say to those who suffer is speak up, tell people, your support people,
your person, that you need to be cared for the way that you need to be cared for.
And acknowledge that in these moments, that you're going to go through these things and
just to be okay, that there's going to be these lows, but have your, your besties have
your parents have your siblings, whoever that is, to be there, like a like a net to just
being able to just like hold you during that time.
And then things that you know that you really can't do, it's okay to say no.
Don't put too much on your plate during this time.
Give yourself a lot of grace, a lot of understanding, because all of these symptoms and emotions
are coming from a place in you.
And to really, you know, maybe question, you know, begin to just ask questions of like,
wow, I'm really feeling this way.
Like, let's work through through these deeper emotions, instead of just shutting them down,
pushing them down and just allowing ourselves to be really, really transparent with ourself
is really, really important during this time.
Ooh, this is a tough one.
Yes, this is what you just said is so important.
Our culture is so geared toward just stuff it in, suck it up, stuff it down, it's fine.
And I've been a big advocate of it, like it's so it's okay to feel it's okay feelings.
It's okay to like not run from that because we're so programmed to run away from that.
And yeah, sometimes you learn the most about yourself and even other people when you just
allow yourself to feel the feels and yeah, you know, doing that.
Oh, Rachel, do you have anything else you want to add that we haven't talked about or
touched on yet today?
I don't think so completely, except that I am excited to share that I am offering a so
you know, not everybody's ready to jump into these big healing containers, right?
Because it's a four month journey.
You're doing really, really deep work.
I have a group and private program.
But I realized that there's so many who just need support, they just need someone to talk
to, or get advice from coaching, whatever it is, to just be seen.
And I have an amazing client and now dear friend who came through my living luteal journey,
and she is an energy healer.
And after going through her own suffering with PMDD, she's now healed.
And the two and I, the two of us really connected.
And we are opening up a holistic coaching membership program that will be a monthly,
two live calls a month, a pretty low set fee.
But a place where you can work through have the support that you need.
Be a place in the community that's just like really a beacon of hope and light.
Because it's just so important that you get the support that you need from somebody who
understands PMDD.
And I think we both realized from our own suffering, that there's just not, there aren't
really great resources out there.
And so we're combining forces with my work and hers, and to offering just a really safe
haven and space for those who suffer.
So we're really excited about that, and that'll be coming up in the next month.
That's terrific.
And we'll make sure everybody has information on how to reach Rachel and in case they want
to do anything with her, so that's exciting.
So Gina, do you have anything to add because I have a final question?
I was going to pass the final, I was going to set the stage for your final question.
So Gina and I wrote a book that was published in October last year, and during the course
of writing the book, like we start, Gina had said to me, and it was like a year or two
before that, I feel like we worked on that book for a long time.
We're chipping away at it.
And she said, I think we need to write a book.
So we're writing this book and we're writing the book, like each chapter was like the pillars
from which we teach as coaches.
Like here's the fundamentals from which we teach.
And during the course of like COVID and all this craziness, we started noticing like everybody's
shifting and like their fear factor was up over like, I got to do this, and now I got
to do that.
And I got to go, they say this works, they say that works, and everybody's like running
after all these ideas of what's going to keep them healthy.
And we're having a meeting one day and we said, everybody just needs to just stop chasing
And we were like, oh my God, that's the name of our book.
That's it.
That's the name of our book.
And then therefore it became the name of our business.
And so we always like to ask our guests at the end of the podcast, what does stop chasing
wellness mean to you, Rachel?
Well, I love the backstory on that.
So thanks for sharing.
It resonates so much with me and my journey because what I believe, like the message that
I hear from myself and maybe it resonates with your listeners of when you hear that
is that stop chasing everything outside when you can be looking in.
And the moment that you really begin to reflect and look inward, you can find really, really,
really all the answers that you need.
You may need help, guidance to see that, right?
But, and that's a beautiful resource, but when the moment that you begin to look within
and stop really chasing everything else, the trending answers that are out there, it really
comes down to what you need for you.
And only you can make that decision for you.
I love that.
I can't think of a better way to say it.
Well, thank you so much, Rachel, for being here with us.
I'm so excited to get this podcast put together and released and share this with everybody
and hope that it just blesses everybody that listens to this because I'm sure everybody
that's listening, even if it's not you, you're going to think of other people that come to
And we hope that people will share this with others because this is something that can
help so many people.
So thank you for your time today.
We appreciate you.
Thank you.
Wow, friends, thank you so, so very much for joining us today.
This was an amazing podcast.
We know that this was full of amazing information and our wish is that this blesses you in some
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and your family so that
others can learn about Rachel Lynn Fox and her amazing work as a rapid transformational
therapy, hypnotherapist and coach.
As you listen to this podcast, we know you were thinking of others that need to hear
When you hear that calling, it's not accidental.
So please share this podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, reach their health goals,
learn about nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live
a long, healthy and happy life.
We have been so, so blessed to have Rachel Lynn Fox join us today to share this information
and we hope you appreciate it as well.
You can find and follow Rachel on Facebook and Instagram by clicking on the link in the
podcast notes.
And don't forget to follow health coach Gina and I, health coach Kristin here, on Facebook
and Instagram at Stop Chasing Wellness.
We invite you to read our book and check out the online wellness coaching programs that
we offer at
Thank you for spending your valuable time with us today.
God bless.
We'll see you next time.
Hello friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with theirs.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down that confusing rabbit hole of conflicting
information that is swirling all around you.
Don't worry, we've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Kristin and I, I'm Gina, focus our health coaching
practice on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection of what's
going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
the level of your physical activity and overall health of your spirituality practice, your
career and your finances and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website at
where you can learn more about our wellness coaching programs that we have to offer, to
purchase our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness, and to learn a little bit more about
both Kristin and myself.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach, and we are so proud to share
this with you and hope that you will find it to be the catalyst that you need to help
point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs, they're done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
Coach Kristin and I are with you every step of the way to help guide you and educate you
and help you make this your very own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and to learn how to start creating
We have a growing catalog of hormone specific coaching programs that we absolutely love
and we know you will love them too.
All right.
Well, hello.
After a nice long break.
Hi, Gina.
Hey there.
I missed you.
I know.
I'll bet you did.
I missed you and I'm sure you missed me.
Nobody pestering you with the to-do list all the time.
We just took a nice long break.
I had my mom here for a few days and then I, less than 48 hours after she left, which
was really nice.
This is the first time my mom's been here since we moved into our house in November
of 2020.
It was nice to have her here and then I have less than 48 hours to get everything cleaned
up and pack my own bag, had an opportunity to go to Hawaii for a couple of weeks, which
was blissful.
Very nice.
We came back the weekend before our holiday weekend and it was like, all of a sudden it's
like, okay, run, run, run, hit the ground running and get ready for Thanksgiving and
now Thanksgiving's over and it's like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, get ready for the holidays
and I'm finding myself realizing like, okay, this is a good reminder.
So basically Gina and I are going to record this podcast to remind ourselves our own benefit
of things that we need to do to get through this holiday season without letting ourselves
get run over.
We want to focus on some mindfulness, focus on some things that we can do to just keep
ourselves healthy, like inside and out, mentally and physically keep our stress levels low,
keep our immune systems healthy as we roll into the holidays because like I said, I just
came off thinking, steamroll in, let's go, go, go.
It's like, take a deep breath or I'm going to get run over.
I do not want to get sick.
I hate it.
Nobody's got time for that.
Well, that's how it happens, right?
We get through Thanksgiving day thinking of all we're grateful for and all these beautiful
people sitting around our table that just like, gosh, how lucky are we?
How blessed are we?
And then what happens?
The sales come and the shopping, the fast, the fast, everything is fast.
We're rushing and rushing and you got to get the decorations up.
The whole neighborhood's decorated.
I don't even have a tree out of the attic yet or I don't have a Christmas dish towel
I'm like, okay, I got to rush to the store and that's not what it's about.
We have all the things that we're grateful for, but at the same time, it just brings
on a ton of stress as well when we get caught up in that momentum instead of just kicking
back and chilling and rechecking ourselves.
There's so much more that we want to take on this time of year just because it is busier.
We do have more things to do.
We'd have to get ready for a holiday and just all the festivities and things that come with
But I noticed too that people tend to put the things off that are important, like making
sure we're getting enough sleep, making sure that we're moving our bodies and exercising,
you know, hydration, the diet, like all of the things that we can focus on all the rest
of the year get put by the wayside to make our body out of the things that are more draining
to us.
And you know, when we talk about like mindfulness, right, that's one of the things that we tend
to like put behind us when we're in that constant commotion and rushing and whatnot, but mindfulness
can impact our overall health.
It does impact our wellbeing.
And we know long-term stress, we've been talking a lot about this last year, right?
We went through our most recent certification and our hormone courses that we've been taking
our hormone certification that long-term chronic stress brings upon detriments to both our
physical and mental health.
That's not something we want.
It's that increased cortisol that really messes up the body over the long haul.
So mindfulness can reduce that and it can be done anytime and anywhere.
That's like free therapy right there.
I mean, think about it.
We sleep better by being calmer and more relaxed before bed rather than rushing around or listening
to music or being all over social media or having the bright lights overhead.
Once we calm that stuff down and maybe read or light a candle or take a bath or just do
things that are calmer to the body and at that point close off the overhead light, maybe
use a side table lamp or some softer lighting in the evening helps us to get better sleep.
We say this a lot.
We don't go to sleep like you shut off a light switch.
We don't just get into bed and close our eyes and that's it until six o'clock the following
That's not how that works.
So it's gradual like the sun.
It's not sudden like the light switch.
So once we get working on calming ourselves down like that, it helps us definitely sleep
And that's sleep.
I love sleep.
I sleep so good in the winter when it's chilly outside.
It's like my hibernation sleep.
I love it.
And it should be a non-negotiable.
There are certain things for the benefit of our health getting through the holidays
that should be non-negotiables and making sure that you're getting to bed, like set
a bedtime routine, stick to that.
That should be a non-negotiable.
When you wake up in the morning instead of reaching for the phone, don't skip your, you
know, if you do a morning meditation or you do some like, you know, gratitude journaling,
do those things and stick to that, especially through the holidays because those are just
things that do put you in a calmer state of being, set you up for success for the whole
day, whether it's just, you know, even if it's just your mood, just keep the calm state
and releasing some tension.
So don't let that be a negotiable.
Don't push that aside because you're busy, busy, busy.
Talk to us about how being in a state of presence and mindfulness can help us control our weight
and fight off the illness, keeping the immune system stronger.
So I think that that just had kind of goes hand in hand with cortisol, right?
Keeping that cortisol level low.
We know that people that are really stressed out have, they, when you're not getting enough
sleep, you are, your cortisol levels usually really high, right?
And then we're just, we're making bad choices, right?
You're tired, you're edgy, you're grouchy.
You're probably reaching for the foods that aren't as healthy.
Your body's not, when you're not sleeping right, you're just not getting the amount
of rest that your body needs to just recover, get the cortisol down low.
Like it should be, you know, in the right place.
It should be higher in the morning, lower in the evening so that you can go to sleep.
So when your cortisol is all jacked up from stress, you're just, it contributes to weight
gain and we don't want that during the holidays.
We want to help you get through the holidays.
At least maintain where you're at.
If you have something you want to lose, at least just don't gain any through the holidays
would be, that would be the goal.
And then all that stress and all the sugar and like we call it sugar season, right, versus
cold and flu season.
So keeping that sugar away, keeping that insulin balanced and the sugar, keeping all that balanced
in the body helps us to have a stronger body.
It keeps us more in an alkaline state, keeps our immune system strong and running by omitting
all that extra stuff in there.
And then let's talk about body scans for a minute.
You're really like when we're, when it's, it really is a good idea a couple of times
a day, holidays or not, just like maybe just do it like with your breakfast, lunch and
dinner or something like right before each of those, take a minute to do a little check
in with yourself and see where you're at.
Um, that's a, that's a simple, and that can be done anywhere, anytime, right?
Even when you're online at the grocery store and you know, you never pick the right line,
Especially this time of year.
I don't care if there's one person on it and there's 30 on the line next door.
If I pick the one person, the cash register is going to break or something is going to
go wrong that it's like, so what do you do?
Do you stand there getting pissed off and huffing and puffing?
No, you're there.
You're like stuck there.
So just, that's something that you can do in that moment.
Just start at your head.
How's your head feel?
Do you, where are you feeling any tension or a headache or any fogginess or move down
to your jaw?
Are you cleansing, clenching your jaws, your tongue glued to the top of your mouth and
where are you holding that tension in that area or move down to your neck and shoulders?
Are you feeling it there?
Do you feel cold or warm or any other sensations?
What's going on in your stomach?
Are you hungry?
Are you nervous?
Do you feel like a sour stomach?
Do you feel like nauseous?
Are you holding onto your stress there or how are your hips and your low back and legs
and just work your way down your body and can you shift your position?
Are you standing with a hip out and all your weight is on one leg or how can you get more
comfortable and just feel lighter in your body and then just work your way right down
to your feet?
Go start at your head and work your way right down to your feet.
Can you move your ankles around or wiggle your toes around and work your way back up
to the top and just assess that scam?
What's your immediate reaction?
How do you feel?
Are you frustrated?
Are you pissed off?
Are you angry?
Are you sad?
Are you overwhelmed?
Or are you getting yourself back in balance just by recognizing where you might be out
of balance?
So just notice those patterns.
It's not only a good practice to do the actual body scan, but to assess the result of that.
Like what are you going to do with that?
You might have that tension in your shoulders or your back or your jaw is clenched tight.
You might have all that, but what are you doing with it?
Are you letting that go?
Or are you letting your body feel lighter and relaxed and more calm and in the moment?
And some of the, when you do those scans, it may, it can help you realize where that
tends, like you're saying, to assess it.
Where's that coming from?
Maybe someone is coming to mind.
Maybe there's some event on your calendar that's coming to mind or just the fact that
your calendar is overloaded.
So maybe there's something that you need to pull off your calendar.
Like I have too much on my plate.
I'm going to reschedule this appointment or this, or maybe I want to, maybe I need to
meet with a friend.
Maybe I need some time with a friend who calms me down and brings me joy and makes me feel
So listen to those things and because we do put a lot more on our calendars right now
and you don't have to.
You don't have to say yes to all the things, right?
And if those things, and if all that overload is causing you to feel overloaded, it's time
to kind of assess that and it's okay to say no, like Gina always says, no is a complete
I love that.
That's it.
Another tool we can use is just simply breathing, breathing practices.
That's another thing that you can do anytime, anywhere, and they're really helpful in times
of stress.
So, I mean, we can do this right now.
Let's just take a nice big inhale in and let that go.
And this alone, just breathing alone, a few deep cleansing breaths calm the nervous system
and help us reduce stress.
And focusing on your breath, like sometimes you can just, when you're beginning, verbalize
the words, inhale and exhale.
And just repeat that a few times and move from saying it to just focusing on the breath.
And just a few breaths, you feel calmer, even just one breath.
So this is something you can practice multiple times a day.
And when your mind wanders, that's okay.
Minds are meant to wander.
Just come back to getting back to that breathing practice and saying those words in your mind
and just use them as a placeholder to keep us focused.
And there's many ways you can do this.
Like sometimes some people do like box breathing, right?
Like inhale, hold two, three, four, exhale for four and hold that.
So it's you breathe in, hold for four, exhale out, hold for four.
And just do each one to a count of four.
Or sometimes you can, that's different for everybody.
Like if you have longer breaths, like just breathe them in and as long as you can and
then hold them for just as long.
And then by the time you get to the balance, it tells your central nervous system everything
is okay.
And you know what?
It is okay.
Because even if it's not, it is okay and it's going to be.
Because what's the alternative to not be in control of ourselves?
We have to be in control.
No matter what, we have to be in control of ourselves.
This is bigger than us, right?
We don't call the shots.
We don't call the shots.
We just have to accept the what we can, what's that?
What we can change and the courage to know the difference.
Like we can, when little things happen to us, is it the end of the world?
Like when that register breaks up there and I'm stressed out because now I have to be
somewhere else.
This is where I am.
This is where I'm stuck right now.
So I'm either going to make it worse or I'm going to be calm and get myself through it.
I always tell people, you can only control your reaction.
It's the only thing that really you can control.
So yeah.
So these are good practices to have all year long.
We just like to talk about them more at this time of year, because it's more of a fast
pig stressful time of year.
It's a great reminder because it contributes having just being able to find those moments
of mindfulness, relaxation, kind of reminding yourself everything's okay, relax.
It's so good for the health of your immune system, because sometimes you could be doing
all of the right things.
You could be eating all the kale, drinking all the alkaline water, doing all the things,
and you can still end up having a rundown immune system if you're just allowing yourself
to be stressed out.
So the stress release, getting enough sleep, those things are so important to the health
of your immune system.
So, so important.
And so is movement.
I know a lot of people this time of year, we tend to put off the like, scratch the exercise
off the calendar.
I always tell you, you have to put exercise in your calendar, literally physically schedule
it in your calendar.
I use my reminders or my calendar app on my phone.
So I set an alarm.
I work out in my home because I have a machine in my home, but I still set an alarm because
if I don't, I'll be like, oh, I got all these other things.
I'm busy, busy, busy, but I schedule exercise even when it's just me that I have to be accountable
to or find an accountability partner.
Go for a walk.
We're out here in Arizona.
It's beautiful.
We can go outside now, go for a walk, but don't skip your movement.
Such an easy thing to do right now because it's like, we're too busy, too busy, too busy.
And also remind yourself to hydrate.
I think when it's colder out, most people tend to like, forget to drink because they're
You drink more probably a little easier or more easily when you're hot and you're reminded
like I'm hot, I'm thirsty, right?
But when we're cold, we don't think of it as often.
So if you need to set like an alarm on your calendar once an hour to go off to remind
you to drink water and then drink a big glass of water every hour, make sure you're drinking
enough water.
And don't skip, don't change the entire diet just because of the holiday stuff.
Make sure the meals that you do have control over, when you're not at a party, you're not
at a social gathering or some holiday thing, you still have control over what you eat.
Make a priority out of making sure that those meals are really healthy.
So don't divert, save that for the times when you're at the parties and the social gatherings
and the office parties and things like that, the happy hours with friends.
Let yourself indulge then, but the meals that you're eating, your breakfast, lunches
and dinners where you're at home or taking your lunch to work or in the office, make
a priority of making sure that you're eating balanced meals.
Get some good nutrition, eat lots and lots of greens, healthy foods, lots of fruits and
Focus on that first.
Remember to combine your proteins, carbohydrates and fats so that you're keeping things in
Don't stress too much over it.
If you need to shed a few holiday pounds in January, that's why we're here.
We can work on that then.
Just do the best to stay focused on doing the best that you can and don't worry about
stressing over all of it.
So yes, and hopefully that'll help support your health, the health of your immune system.
That, and there's a supplement Gina and I take, and we've mentioned it before on here,
it's Juice Plus.
And it is a whole food supplement.
It is basically plant powders in a capsule.
We take them every day without fail.
That is my non-negotiable, not just through the holidays, but literally every day of the
year for myself.
And I've been doing this for over 11 years.
Gina's been doing it for a number of years as well.
It is, that's just, I don't, I think about the health, the sickness that I don't know
that I never had.
There you go.
It's just getting that blend of 30 different plants in my body every single day and what
that is doing for the health of my body, my immune system, keeping the inflammation down,
helping support my cardiovascular health.
Just it's amazing.
It's the start of eating our rainbow every day, right?
We take that when we wake up in the morning.
It's the start of our rainbow.
And it's, I mean, it just supports all the rest of the good habits, but so that even
on days where you are at the parties and you're eating all the things that you know you shouldn't
be, at least you're getting that.
You're getting the nutrition from 30 different plants in every day.
I can't eat 30 plants a day.
I love plants, but that's just a lot.
That's why we eat it.
And that's what we recommend.
So if you want more information on that, you can let us know there or you can go to our
website because we have a link on there as well for that.
And also we should mention that between now and the 1st of January, we are offering our
coaching programs, our health coaching programs for 20% off.
So we have our eating for hormone health program and a manage your blood sugar like a boss
program that are now available.
These are low price point programs to begin with, but they're being offered for 20% off.
One thing that we love about them is you can purchase our programs and you can do them
at your own pace.
You can start them when you're ready.
So purchasing a program now does not mean that you have to do some major dietary, you
know, Roto-Rooter right now, and you don't have time or the desire to do it.
You can implement the program and the changes, the suggestions.
These are easy to do.
They're easy to follow.
We wrote them and created them in a way as though you're sitting there working with us.
What do you need to know?
What do we need to tell you?
We've got step by step stuff.
You do it at your own pace.
We have homework assignments through there.
So our goal was to really teach you a whole lot about whatever the program specific purchase
is that you make.
So you could purchase it now and start it in January if you wanted to wait until then
or purchase it for a friend.
And we are working on menopause goddess that was almost done.
So that one will be announcing very, very soon.
We hope to have that out before the beginning of the year.
So it's going to be a good one.
I'm excited.
I'm excited for that one too.
All right.
Thank everybody for being here today and definitely use the tools we talked about the breathing
exercises, the body scans, saying no, setting boundaries when you need to, take that breath
and enjoy the moment and be more resilient in the times that we have going on that can
be stressful over the next few weeks.
Hopefully everybody get through the holidays without getting sick, healthy immune systems
and keep your stress levels low.
And we'll see everybody in a couple of weeks.
Friends, thank you so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this blesses you in some
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so that others
can learn about this important topic.
As you listen to this podcast, we know you were thinking of others that need to hear
And when you hear that calling, it's not accidental.
So please share this podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence they need to begin
their healing journey and take their health to the next level to reach their health goals.
Learn about nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live
a long, healthy and happy life.
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